This is a growing market, world wide, that needs to be considered in your marketing efforts, regardless of what you may be marketing. This is true regardless if you are online or offline.
There about 20mil. seniors on line in the US alone. Add the Canadian market and you begin to see just how big this market is.
The internet habits of the over 50 generation is similar to that of the 18 to 35 age group. However they differ in that they are generally more literate and delve more deeply into the sites they surf and visit longer. Its been said they spend an average of 44-45 min. per day surfing and that means about 750,000 min. per day and that's not simply keeping in touch with friends and family.
Analysis show that baby boomers and seniors view about 178+ more pages and spend 6.3 more days per month logged on to the internet than their college age counter parts. Seniors also have more credit cards and income. They also control more than 72% of the wealth in this country and are more likely to buy.
But the problem they face is that good information that is relevant to the over 50 generation is either hard to find or outdated. Why is that?
I think this is so because most marketers out there simply don't know what their needs and wants really are. One of the requirements of successful internet marketing is to know your target market.
This is such a huge market that there are symposiums and conferences being held all over the world trying to learn and understand the needs and wants of this market and how to satisfy them.
But on a local level, who knows seniors better than other seniors. There are about 194 mil. Internet users out there at any given time with 37% of them being seniors and 50 plus generation and actively looking for some kind of business opportunity.
With seniors controlling 72% of the wealth out there, why would they be looking for a small home based business? It's because about 37% of them have failed to save for retirement and are actively looking for a home business as a way to fund their retirement
I would ask you, is this beginning to look like a huge marketing opportunity to you? If you already have a small business and are not marketing to this segment of the market I must say you are missing the boat. If your in this senior group and looking for a business, search the internet and I am sure you will find something of interest you will want to market.
Now what is my purpose in writing this article? It's simply to inform others of this huge and growing market and to show seniors and baby boomers that if they have interest in starting a home based business that there is a new process out there called Attraction Marketing. When this system is learned and put into practice they will be able to build and grow a successful internet home based business in a relatively short time, months and not years it normally takes, and without all the necessary trial and error associated with internet marketing.
Learn and use this process and I must say that for the first time you may find success with your marketing efforts. You will also be pleasantly surprised at all the time and money you will be able to save using the attraction marketing process. It will be far less than trying to do it any other way.