The problem with giving your charge card information to a company is that you may not be able to pay back that monthly bill. It happens to a lot of people - you pay one bill with a card, and before you know it the money you saved to pay back that bill (and pay off your credit card) has been spent.
At this point, you will be stuck in the vicious circle known as "interest purgatory." That is, you will be paying interest on that one bill for the next twenty years if you don't pay off your charge card in-full right away.
Are there any alternatives to winding up in the credit web? Well, you might want to consider a personal loan to bridge some of those payment gaps. Instead of giving a companies your credit card number to pay a monthly bill, pay all of your bills in cash (or through an online transfer).
If you find that you don't have the money for your bills - don't use your credit card! Instead, apply for a debt consolidation loan. Even if you have bad credit, you can still consolidate your debt by applying for a secured loan such as a car title loan. Why? You will be able to get the funds that you need right away, and if you take the time to find the right lender, you can get a flexible repayment plan to suit your budget.
Imagine being able to take all of your monthly bills; your credit cards, your line of credit, your heat & electricity, your phone bill and instead of divvying up your money between them, you pay one easy payment. When you do the math, a personal loan just makes more sense.
Credit cards are easy to get caught up in, - in fact, Canadians get into more and more credit card debt as each day passes - but you really don't have to be a slave to your credit cards. The next time that a company asks to put your credit card number on file, don't give in.
You'll be happy that you didn't rely on your credit card when you don't have a huge amount of credit card debt. The solution to credit card debt is simple - if you can't afford a payment, take out a personal loan instead.