I hope you're not seriously expecting to reach your muscle goals within one week. I'm sorry to say that this is simply not possible. Don't get mad at me now. I know you saw the title of this article and were hoping for a magical solution to your fitness needs. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but someone had to tell you (or remind you) of the simple truth about building muscle. What is that truth? Building muscle takes time, and it takes a serious commitment.
I recently read a good article about bodybuilding and weight training by a renown expert in these fields. His article stated that consistency was an important, even crucial factor in gaining muscle. He explained that if a person constantly changes his routine going from one program to the next, then chances are he doesn't really believe in the body building programs and will ultimately fail. The reasoning behind this is quite clear: building large amounts of muscle takes a consistent effort over a long period of time, usually several months or more to see the results. If you constantly change from one program to next, you'll never know what works. You will likely end up interrupting a worthwhile program in exchange for a poor program that will lead to disappointing results.
You may have heard this at various times in your life. You've heard it stated in different adages like "inch by inch it's a cinch" and "try, try again" along with a dozen other clichs. You probably brushed it aside at the time, since our tendency is to search for the magic bullet - the one key that will unlock all of our desires with the least amount of effort. Unfortunately, we inevitably learn that there is no magic bean that can replace due diligence, determination, and, most of all, consistency. No supplement, regardless of the marketing hype, can provide you with the same results as a solid exercise and diet program followed carefully over many weeks and months. Always remember that our greatest successes in life almost always come from many small individual choices over time. The small actions on a consistent daily basis will accumulate and have a massive effect in the future.
Thus, the key to building muscle is to find a solid program that teaches you all aspects including training, diet, and recovery methods. Stick with it and you'll see great results over the next few months.