Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

What Good is Note Taking without a Review Plan

What Good is Note Taking without a Review Plan

Image source: https://info.examtime.com/files/2014/10/note-taking-strategies.gif

Note taking is a skill for studying smart that almost guarantees better grades. So many teachers insist that taking notes can only be accomplished in one way. Whether that way be making lists, drawing mind maps, outlining, drawing pictures or some combination of all or some of these, note taking is often taught as the teacher's favorite approach. The thing is, that taking notes is a highly personal effort and often fits into the note taker's learning style.
I advocate a different approach. Rather than try to teach a 'perfect' way to take notes, I suggest a format that leads to reviewing those notes systematically. For this I choose to recommend a format for note taking that leads to a robust review of those notes.

The Cornell Note Taking Format
I have written about Cornell note taking before. The thing is that Cornell is not a way to take notes, rather it is a format for taking notes your way. There are three aspects to Cornell Notes. 1) The notes; 2) the memory Cues; and, 3) the summary. Each section plays an important role in systematic review but more on that later.

The Notes
The largest segment of a Cornell note taking form is for taking notes your way. Here you take notes in the way that is most comfortable for you.

The Memory Cues
To the left of the notes section is an area for writing down memory cues including, main ideas, questions and vocabulary. Here your task is quite simple. Take a knife to your notes and carve out five to seven cues that will trigger your memory of the whole. Be concise yet thorough.

The Summary
At the bottom of the page is a small area for summary. Here you write a two to three sentence summary of what the whole page is about. Complete sentences please. Again, try to be concise yet thorough as well.

The Systematic Review Approach
In the title of this article I asked the question, "What good is note taking without a review plan?" The key to making your notes useful as a study tool is to have a specific review plan in mind before you take the notes in the first place. Cornell notes make review an integral part of the notes themselves.

The Summary
When reviewing your notes, the first step is to read the summary. If you can honestly say you understand what the entire page is about then you may move on to the next page.

The Cues
If, for some reason, the summary does not trigger a 'total recall' then move backward through the notes to the cues. Review the main ideas, the questions you have and the vocabulary. If this part of the process triggers your recall then you may move on to the next page of notes.

The Notes
The newer the notes, the more likely you are to reach this level. If reading the summary and the cues do not trigger a 'total recall' then re-read your notes with the summary and cues in mind. Do this once then move to the next page of notes.

Each day, except for Saturday and Sunday, start at the beginning of your class or reading notes and start the review process all over again. As you start you'll find more and more that you'll be able to move on quite fast by reading the summary only. Later on as the notes get thicker, you'll find that you might need the cues. The more recent notes may require all three steps to the review.

The Last Words
So there you have it, a systematic way to review notes which will almost guarantee academic success. I say 'almost' because I cannot do the work for you. You must take a stance of being totally honest in your assessment of your understanding. You must commit to following the plan for review. Do these two things as you review your notes and I am certain you'll experience success.


Dr. Roger Lewis is the owner of Effective Study Tips where he introduces parents and their children to the most effective study habits we know of. Dr. Lewis is a career educator teaching in both middle-school settings and in university departments of education. His specialty is in the teaching of reading methods for k-12 students. He is now retired concentrating on sharing his knowledge with a broader audience.

What are the types of commodity trading strategies

What are the types of commodity trading strategies

Image source: http://www.futurestradingpedia.com/images/futures_arbitrage.gif

Many traders trade in commodity futures and options to reap benefit. Commodity trading strategies are being used, in order to earn profit from movement in price. Commodity trading strategies are plans which are used for buying and selling commodity futures and options to earn profit from the changes in price. Commodity tips are also preferred by many traders. It is very important to build a strategic plan before you begin trading commodities. This will minimize the chances of risk, thus your capital will not be at risk.

Trader will not get latest trading tips and updates of market by reading commodity newsletters and watching the financial news. However, the consistent strategies that you will test through simulations over time on the market will allow a new trader to understand risk and reward as well as the volatile nature of market.

When it comes to entering and exiting risk positions in the futures market and futures options markets many commodity trading strategies apply technical analysis. This only provides a part of the picture in the markets. Also many commodity trading strategies revolve around either a range trading or breakout methodology.

Each type of strategy has advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to the trader to choose which type of strategy might work best.

1. Range Trading Strategy: Range trading in commodities means attempting to make purchases near the bottom end of a range i.e, support and selling at the top of that range i.e, resistance. The ability to buy a commodity after selling makes the price fall to an oversold condition is the basis to succeed in this strategy. The term oversold means that the market has absorbed all selling and buying is likely to emerge.

There are number of indicators which can used to measure overbought and oversold levels like the Relative Strength Index, Momentum, and Rate of Change metrics. When the market has no definable and consistent trend then these strategies work well. Basically the risk of range trading is that the market moves below technical support or above resistance.

2. Trading Breakouts: In the world of commodities this strategy centered on trading breakouts. It means that a trader will look to buy a commodity as it makes new highs or sell a commodity as it makes new lows. On a chart new highs and lows can easily be spotted, as they are the peaks and troughs of previous moves. These techniques are used by many professional traders when they are managing large sums of money and looking for a major trend to develop.

Commodities are volatile assets and it is not uncommon for them to double or half in price or more over relatively short time spans.

3. Fundamental Trading Strategy: This trading strategy used while trading in breakouts and ranges. And trading in breakouts or ranges usually have specific rules as to when to buy and sell. The fundamental trading depends on few factors that will affect supply and demand for the commodity in need.

Traders and investors who are new to market will face difficulty with fundamental trading as it need a huge amount of homework. A stock market advisory plays a very important role in a trader's life, as it give the idea about market performance and trend to them.

We Got Game Self-Pleasuring Play for Couples

We Got Game Self-Pleasuring Play for Couples

Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c3/81/0b/c3810b1816b8725eb967c4afd98e23c6--happy-with-yourself-quotes-surround-yourself-with-good-people.jpg

The sensual world inhabited by a couple is a beautiful and fascinating thing - and one that shouldnt be self-limited by the participants. Coupling is, of course, a huge part of that world, as well it should be. Many couples include oral play or "back door" activity in the mix as well. But surprisingly, self-pleasuring is not generally included as an activity for a couple to share. Sure, each partner may engage in private self-pleasuring (with men often including that as part of their regular male organ care routine), but many couples never self-stimulate in front of or with each other. Yet much can be learned from this activity.
If self-pleasuring is viewed as a game between two partners, it can help take a little of the "edge" off of trying it initially. And once a couple gets used to self-fondling together, they may find that they want to include the activity as a more regular part of their sensual lives.

Games people play

So what games involve self-pleasuring? There can be quite a few, actually.

- Self-pleasuring dice. A pair of dice can be used to create any number of games. For example, a partner rolls the dice. If it is even, the man starts self-gratifying; if it is odd, the woman. That person must continue self-pleasuring until their partners "side" is rolled.

- Stroking cards. As with dice, there are many different games a couple can create using playing cards. One simple game is for one partner to turn over the top card of a deck and for the other partner to stroke or rub their genitals the number of times indicated on a card. (For example, a 4 of clubs would mean stroking or rubbing 4 times.) Play continues until release or until the couple decides to dispense with the cards and keep self-stimulating or engage in another form of sensual activity.

Alternatively, a couple can play a game like Crazy 8s, but arrange for one person to keep self-gratifying as long as red cards are played and for the other to do the same when black suits are played.

- Music fun. Go to a website that plays songs or music videos and set it to play at random. Pick a system for which partner self-fondles when. For example, if a solo male performs, the guy self-stimulates; if a solo female, the girl does. And if its a band each partner does the deed.

- Binge self-gratifying . When catching up on that hot series everyones talking about, why not self-stimulate as well? A couple can easily determine what the rules are. For example, the male self-fondles when a female character talks and vice versa. Or if a show has multiple storylines, decide during which one each partner must self-gratify.

- Time it. Simplicity itself. Take an egg timer and turn it over. One partner self-stimulates until the sand runs out, then turns it over and the other partner does likewise. The same can be done with an electric timer, too.

- Playful ping pong. Those with a ping pong table can strip down and play ping pong, but each participant must be self-fondling at the same time. Many other games, such as checkers or any board game, can be adapted similarly.

Of course, many couples will need no game in order to begin exploring self-pleasuring together - and thats great, too.

Whether using a game or not, men will need to be careful not to get over-aggressive during a self-pleasuring session (solo or with a partner). But if a rubbed raw member occurs, applying a superior male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urgent. Select a crme with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to soothe that overworked manhood skin. And be sure the crme also includes L-carnitine, a neuroprotective agent that can help restore sensitivity lost from rough handling of the organ.

Visit www.menshealthfirst.com for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

War Veterans and Traumatic Brain Injury

War Veterans and Traumatic Brain Injury

Image source: http://www-tc.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/files/2011/06/Price_of_war-merl.jpg

Each year the number of U.S. veterans increases as soldiers returning from America's most recent wars come home. However, as the survivors are welcomed home after pursuing a dutiful career serving their country, a new generation of men and women suffering from mild- to severe-traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are greeted with battled medical budgets and flawed TBI technologies, which don't provide the necessary services and treatments required to improve their newly developed disabilities.

With an average of 1.4 million Americans undergoing some form of TBI, the number of scientists and researchers striving to cure these individuals should be ever increasing, however, dwindling budgets continue to compress and squeeze war-related brain injury funding. In 2006, the U.S. House and Senate slashed the allocated funding for the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) in half from the previous year.

Traumatic brain injury has been deemed the "signature" injury of the Iraq war, according to military doctors and experts. It is imperative for struggling soldiers to find assistance with their TBI-related disability.

What is TBI?

Traumatic brain injury is defined as an injury that occurs after an abrupt trauma causes damage to the brain, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). War-related TBI can occur in many ways and individuals suffering from this and related side effects will find symptoms vary on a case-by-case diagnosis.

Researchers and scientists are, however, finding several repetitive conditions and symptoms among TBI victims. The common signs and symptoms of these war-related conditions are as followed, according to a studies published in the medical journals of Neuropsychology and Brain Injury:

* cognitive issues

*decreased attention span, including focused, selective and sustained attention problems

*language difficulties

* lack of motivation

*inability to efficiently process information

* irritability

*depression and anxiety

* increased fatigue


*memory loss or disturbance

* behavioral issues

* disrupted sleep

* post traumatic stress disorder

In May 2006, the co-founder of the DVBIC testified to a Senate subcommittee that while "body armor may save troops caught in blasts it leaves many with brain damage," according to a USA Today news report. Additionally, the article cited several disturbing statistics on the state of TBI and war veterans.

* 10 percent of all troops in Iraq suffer from concussions during combat.

* 20 percent of all frontline infantry troops suffer from concussions during combat.

*Scientists believe the Pentagon must screen all troops returning from Iraq.

*The Pentagon has declined screenings for all returning troops and only screen a small population of soldiers.

*If left untreated or untested, multiple head injuries and concussions can cause permanent brain injury.

Also, several equally disturbing statistics have been reported from several specialized journals including Brain Injury, Internal Medicine, Soldiers Magazine, MIT's Technology Review and Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. These statistics area as follow:

* Nearly 25 percent of all military veterans of the Iraq war are diagnosed with a mental illness.

* War-related TBI patients often manifest distinct personality changes.

* Of the 35,000 soldiers screened for TBI, approximately 11 percent have had symptoms of mild TBI.

* No treatments currently exist to cure long-lasting symptoms of TBI.

Flawed Brain Injury Technology

Unfortunately, as budgets are cut, the quality of care and technology also decreases. Most recently the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reviewed nine Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers and found that the TBI-screening test's validity and reliability may be flawed.

Additionally, the report found that soldiers with TBI may be receiving inadequate or unnecessary care for their brain injuries, according to an Associated Press article from January 2008. The report found that:

* Although the VA has implemented TBI screening tools, the validity and reliability of the tool has not yet been established.

* The VA has implemented a protocol to ensure soldiers testing positive for TBI are adequately treated; however, many of the VA's medical facilities either did not follow the protocol or had difficulty doing so.

* Culturally, the VA has found that Iraq veterans feel the VA and its facilities cater to elderly veterans and do not want to treat young veterans.

* The VA is struggling with poor rural access to medical centers as well as poor turnout rates for injured vets who in some cases must drive 100 miles plus to reach a nearby VA hospital.

Living With TBI

Veterans who are currently living with TBI will find that not only does TBI affect them, but the ripple effect among an injured veteran's family and friends is quite extensive. There are an array of clinical trials that a TBI victim can become involved in to improve the living conditions as well as to treat the symptoms of TBI. Some of these clinical trials can be found through the following organizations Web sites:

* National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke - Brain Resources and Information Network (BRAIN)

* Acoustic Neuroma Association Brain Trauma Foundation

* Brain Injury Association of America Family Caregiver Alliance/National Center on Caregiving National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)

* National Stroke Association

* National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

Finding Brain Injury Assistance

There are several organizations available to offer assistance specifically to those with war-related ailments. The following are several of the leading organizations/hospitals:

* Walter Reed Army Medical Center Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center

* Defense Center of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury

* National Intrepid Center of Excellence Deployment Health Clinical Center

*Center for Study of Traumatic Stress Center for Deployment Psychology

* The Department of Defense (DoD) also offers a search component through their Web site to assist veterans in finding a veteran hospital in their geographic area.

Additionally, individuals enduring the pain of a war-related brain injury are encouraged to locate an experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer who can provide assistance with developing a brain injury lawsuit. Because of the nature of these injuries, there should be no reason why monetary compensation is not rewarded to an injured party.

TBI medical bills can be extremely expensive, and this potential for awarded compensation can provide relief from the stress associated with medical expenses.

Want To Start An Easy Home Based Business - Try Network Marketing

Want To Start An Easy Home Based Business - Try Network Marketing

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/z6ksTQJeBro/maxresdefault.jpg

Starting a home based business has never been easier. With the emergence of electronic tools and other gadgetry, coupled with the Internet, the daunting tasks of running a home based operation has been chopped down in dramatically.

So what is one of the easiest home based businesses to start? Well the truth is that nothing can beat the business model or opportunity that a network marketing or MLM home business can provide. How do you beat working at home in your blue jeans, never going to an office, and making more money than the people you might have worked for? Most business models cannot provide this type of luxury and benefits.

Once you've established your business and are well on your way, a typical work week might take 5 to 15 hours of some form of enjoyable work to keep your business running smoothly. Quite a difference from the 40 hour+ work week and remedial pay of a Job.

It does not take a rocket scientist to make a home based business work either. There are no magic bullets, books, software, devices, meetings, and tapes that can make it any harder or easier than it really is. Many years ago, just the thought of network marketing, affiliate programs, franchises and other types of home businesses scared people off simply because they were really hard work. Again, thanks to the Internet this is no longer the case.

How to find the best network marketing home based business for you!

There are many home business programs available that say they are the best. Unfortunately words are only words and claims are only as good as the company that backs them up. Hundreds of new network marketing opportunities are started every year and many of these programs will go under within the first 24 months. This often gives the entire network marketing industry a black eye although it shouldn't be justified.

Network marketing companies are just like any other company in the respect that only a 10 to 20 percent will succeed. The key for you is to choose a company that is a winner and reap the financial rewards while you mutually help each other become successful.

When choosing a home based business for you it is important to ask yourself a few key things:

#1 - Is the product you are selling something you are passionate about and does it have a unique selling point?

#2 - Is there training and mentors available to help you out along the way?

#3 - Does the compensation plan make sense to you and what kind of financial commitment will you need to make? Can you make that financial commitment?

#4 - Who is behind the company and do you believe and trust in their vision?

By asking these four questions you should be able to guide yourself into a smart decision about potential opportunities. Having confidence in your decisions will make succeeding with your new venture much easier.

It's a business not a hobby!

In order to build a network marketing home based business, you need to understand one simple aspect. It is a business and definitely not a hobby. Also remember that nothing is free. So it is best to understand up front that you are going to spend some time and money in order to see some results. Understand that things being offered for free are not likely to be useful and effective, plus there is always a catch.

Learn the skills of the trade!

Network marketing is a lot like any other type of business to the extent that you will need the necessary skills to run your new venture. The great thing though is that you can learn as you go and you don't need any special skills to get started.

Any skill can be acquired while actively building your business and learning from your mentors. Just another unique characteristic of this type of business that truly makes it an easy home based business.

Final thoughts...

A network marketing opportunity is an easy home based business model that truly makes sense for the average person. There are many benefits to this type of business including the fact that it cost next to nothing to get started, you get a proven system like that of a franchise opportunity and you can be in profit in months rather than in years.

Therefore, if you desire more income while still working a 9 to 5 job, or to build your retirement income then should seriously consider network marketing as your vehicle for you and your family's financial well being.

Want a Low Stress Job

Want a Low Stress Job

Image source: https://blog-content.glassdoor.com/app/uploads/sites/2/iStock_90977917_MEDIUM.jpg

Stress in the workplace, or even at home, has gained so much popularity among people around the world. Stress has even earned the title of being "The 20th Century Disease" as coined by the United Nations in 1992 and referred to as a "World Wide Epidemic" by the World Health Organization.

The reason for its increasing popularity is the increasing number of stress-related health problems such as irritation, depression, headaches, migraines and even life-threatening chronic diseases like heart attacks. More and more people are suffering from these stress-related health problems, sometimes without even realizing that they are caused by the stress they get from work or from personal problems around the house.

Some people find ways to de-stress by going to the gym and working out; some go dancing or clubbing every Friday after a week of long hard work; some attend yoga classes; some still try to switch to less stressful jobs. While stress has become synonymous with jobs and people think that there is no job that does not entail stress, there are still jobs out there that cause low or no stress at all if you are really very good at it. To give you an idea here's a list of low stress jobs and why are they considered to be such.

-Dog Walker

I guess the number one low stress job out there is the dog walker. In every busy city, there are a lot of dog owners that do not have time to spend enough time with their dogs and give the necessary walking exercise once in a while. So more and more dog owners hire dog walkers to give their dogs the time that they can not give.

This job is low stress because all you have to do is walk dogs at the park. How hard could walking and playing with dogs be? In fact, it could even help you de-stress from your own cares at home. Scientific studies prove that taking care of pets, or even just caressing the furry friends, relax and soothe the tired mind.

-Pastry Chef

Second in my list of low stress jobs is being a pastry chef. Baking and designing pastries is a form of art. Creating artwork also has a soothing effect to the one working on it. Although pastry making entails a lot of hard work and sometimes even odd working hours, it gives satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment for the chefs. That is if you are artistic and creative and you love the arts.

If you love what you are doing, there is only little room for frustration and irritation, hence less stress. Besides, who could get stressed in a workplace smelling of sugar, butter and cinnamon?

-Video clerk

Another top low stress and even fun job is the video clerk, where you can watch movies while doing your job. You also get to talk and give customers piece of advice or suggestions about which movies are good and which are not. In this business, customers turn to you as an expert of movies hence employers allow their staffs to watch movies while working. It would ensure customer loyalty if the video clerk serving them knows a lot about movies and get to interact with them meaningfully.

What more, since store hours do not begin until 10 am, you can extend sleep and not worry about beating the morning rush as most people are already in their work places during this hour. You get to hang around cool people discussing movies and music.

-Massage or Physical Therapist

Since this job is centered on making people relaxed and calm, the therapist is trained well on the art of relaxation. As an expert therapist, you can apply the exercises you advise to other people to yourself as well. Of course, you have to practice what you teach.

Besides how can giving back rubs to patients or clients be stressing? Sure, giving a really good massage can strain your muscles, but did you notice that you usually feel more relaxed after a workout? The same principle applies here, you just have to learn how to keep your back straight during the massage.

Also, these sessions are usually done in a relaxing room where the lights are dim and with soothing and relaxing background music.

These are but a few of the many low stress jobs out there. You just have to be not too picky. After all, high-profile careers are the ones that are highly stressful.

Senin, 29 Januari 2018

Walk This Way to Learn the Pedestrian Right of Way Laws

Walk This Way

Image source: http://www.thin2win.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Walk_this_way_graphic.jpg

A pedestrian is killed every hour and 36 minutes in a car accident.

To keep yourself safe at busy intersections, you need to make sure you know the correct pedestrian right of way laws.

If you arent as familiar with these laws as you should be, take a look at this quick crosswalk guide.

Do Pedestrians Always Get the Right of Way at Crosswalks?

Your first thought is probably yes, and you are technically right. But the actual laws may be different than you think.

As it turns out, there are a bunch of different crossing laws. Each states laws differ slightly from every other state. Some states only require cars to yield to pedestrain right of way if the pedestrian is close enough to them in the street.

For example, cars in Massachusetts are only required to yield to a pedestrian if the pedestrian is 10 feet away from the vehicle.

In Louisiana, a driver doesnt have to stop driving unless the person crossing the road is on the same side of the road as them.

Only 28 out of 50 states are required to stop if a pedestrian is on any portion of the road.

Thats why, regardless of if you have the right of way or not, you should always make sure drivers see you before stepping into the street.

Is There a Right or Wrong Way to Use a Crosswalk?

This may seem pretty obvious, but dont step into the street unless the traffic signal says walk.

Even if it doesnt look like any cars are passing, there may be a left turn light on that could conflict with your path. If youre worried about the amount of time you have to cross the road, sometimes pressing the cross buttons give you more time.

If you think certain cars havent noticed you, hold up your arm to signal them before you cross the street. This will let them know you are planning to walk.

Is It Illegal to Cross the Street Outside of a Crosswalk?

Believe it or not, in most places, it is completely legal to cross the street outside of a sidewalk. However, this is very dangerous and should always be avoided if possible.

It is only illegal to cross the street outside a crosswalk if the nearest intersections on both sides of you are controlled intersections (meaning they have traffic lights).

If you need to cross the street outside of a crosswalk, give the right of way to motorists. They may not be expecting a person to cross, and it may be harder for them to see you.

Be Safe First

Whether you have the pedestrian right of way or not, you should always make safety your top priority.

Dont walk near streets while youre distracted. This may mean putting away your phone until you are in a safe location so you dont accidentally step into the street at the wrong time while youre looking down at your phone.

Now, if a car hits you when you are in a place that requires cars to stop when you are on the road, like L.A., get in touch with a Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney. They will help you sort through the legal side of the accident.

In a place without sidewalks? Walk facing traffic. This makes it easier for you to see an approaching car and step off the road as they drive by.

Make sure you wear proper reflective clothing when youre walking after dark.

Be Careful with Your Pedestrian Right of Way

You should always cross the street at a crosswalk. Its not worth endangering yourself and others by crossing the street in unsafe locations.

Do a lot of walking by busy roads? Check out some of our other important car accident tips.

Using An Elisor

Using An Elisor

Image source: https://www.anchorcreekfarms.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/acf-Bodi-1.jpg

I am not an attorney, I am a Judgment and Collection Agency Broker. This article is my opinion, from my California experiences, and laws are different in every state. If you want a strategy to use or legal advice, please contact an attorney.

Elisors are court-appointed persons that replaces their signature for some other person for documents, if that person should not, cannot, or won't sign the documents.

Many times the person who is the Elisor fills in for a coroner or a sheriff (if they are unqualified or unavailable) for the specific action of document signing necessary to comply with a court order.

The laws about Elisors are often similar across the nation, but they vary in many states. In California, California code of Civil Procedure 262.8 (c) specifies that when "a coroner or a sheriff is a party, and there is a vacancy in the office of the other, or where it appears, by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court in which the proceeding is pending, or the judge thereof, that both of these officers are disqualified, or by reason of any bias, prejudice, or other cause, would not act impartially or promptly."

California California code of Civil Procedure 262.8 (c) could be used if a coroner or a sheriff are parties to some matter, with an affidavit is submitted with the court which claims they may behave in ways not consistent with what their duties require.

An obvious example showing California code of Civil Procedure 262.8 (c) is useful, is if there is a business owned by a judgment debtor coroner or a sheriff. Another is if a coroner or a sheriff is a party in a lawsuit, another is if there can be an assumption of bias. One example of bias could be if the sheriff will not cooperate with a court order for an auction sale of, assets belonging to a the sheriff's relative.

Depending on where you live, Elisor laws could help if the sheriff where you live refuses to pick up someone after a bench warrant has been issued. Maybe you could request a court to appoint an Elisor sheriff that is willing to actually arrest a debtor (having a current bench warrant for their arrest) and take them into custody. This does not work in (e.g., California) counties if there is no room in the jails for civil contemners.

What if a debtor owns shares of stock in a closely-held company, and you can't locate the "physical certificates"? Note that you don't always require the certificates of a closely-held company. Certificates are evidence of ownership, not legal proof of ownership. Some companies never print physical stock certificates.

When you do require physical certificates (I am not an attorney), maybe one could start by getting a get a turnover order, and:

A) If the debtor's shares get turned over to the sheriff or you, mission accomplished.

B) If the shares aren't turned over because the certificates haven't yet been issued, then an order against the company to issue the share certificates may be appropriate.

C) If the company doesn't comply, then get an Elisor order:

1 - File your motion of Elisor, stating the debtor did not comply, and a clerk of the court should be permitted to sign on behalf of the debtor by order of the court. Have the judge sign the order.

2 - Askthe court clerk sign the blank stock shares you will provide.

3 - File the signed shares with your Secretary of State.

4 - Call a meeting of the corporate board, perhaps terminate the current board, and liquidate the debtor's corporate assets.

What if the debtor won't sign a property transfer receipt or agreement when you were the highest bidder at a sheriff auction? File the motion of Elisor, and request the court to appoint a clerk to sign on behalf of the debtor.

An Elisor order could be used if someone doesn't return property as required by a court order.

In a divorce, if one spouse won't sign over an ordered share of a business or a property, an Elisor order may solve this problem and make the transaction legal, because it was ordered by the court.

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Image source: http://cbd-vape.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/five-eliquids.png

Vape oils, and CBD vape oils, in particular, are taking the vaping world by storm.

CBD vape oil is a concentrated type of Cannabidiol. Its made into a liquid form so that it can be warmed and breathed through an E-Cigarette, vape pen or vaporizer.

It can be bought as a one-time use cartridge for your vape pen, or as a bottle to refill your vaporizer.

So, whats so great about CBD vape oil?

5 Great Benefits of CBD Vape Oils

1. It Is Totally Legal.

Even though vape oil sometimes called vape juice is a type of Cannabidiol, it is NOT marijuana. It comes from hemp and contains CBD and not THC, so therefore it is legal. You can find it at reputable stores and on websites. There are some that even offer free vape juice!

2. Its Good For Pain.

It could be just plain old pain from working out too much or climbing a dangerous mountain on a dare. But the pain could be from something more serious.

During times of stress, our bodies can get thrown out of balance and can become primed for disease. And in many cases, where theres disease, theres pain.

CBD vape oil is one of the newer but proven methods to alleviate the side effects of pain as a result of arthritis, inflammation, diabetic nerve pain, spasms, gastroparesis, IBS, and even cancer and cancer treatment.

3. And Its Good for the Brain.

Serotonin receptors have a huge role in depression, but they also affect other processes such as sleep, addiction, and nausea. CBD is naturally drawn to serotonin receptors.

Once the CBD is bound to those receptors, it serves to slow down signaling. This is essentially the same thing that antidepressants do and results in a relaxed response.

CBD can also inhibit the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters. By competing with other molecules, CBD encourages the body to raise the endocannabinoid levels in the synapses of the brain.

Through this flooding of the synapses, it seems that CBD works against epilepsy and seizures as well.

4. You Cant Overdose on It.

Taking a high dose or concentration does not run the risk of overdose.

It should be noted though that time should be spent finding just what constitutes the most effective dosage for you. Many people do not seem to get the benefits if they take too low a dose.

Since each person has a different metabolic process, how much is right for one person can vary significantly from whats the correct dosage for another. There is no universal normal CBD dose.

5. Youll Pass A Drug Test.

But only if its CBD vape oil from natural hemp plants that contain active CBD. You do not want CBD vape oils from cannabis.

If your job requires random drug testing, this is a very important distinction. So if youre ever offered a CBD vape oil from an unreliable source, just remember that some CBD vape oils come from cannabis.

That means they contain THC and that could show up on a drug test. So if you arent sure, dont mess with it.

Do you think youre ready to explore the fascinating new world of CBD vape oils? Try them out and see. They could be just what you need for whatevers ailing you.

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

Turf Wars and Latin Music Duos Claims of Trademark Infringement in Loisaidas Film Series Dismissed

Turf Wars and

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MX6J19TOlqU/maxresdefault.jpg

What comes to mind when hearing of drug wars, rap music, and Manhattans Lower East Side? Trademark infringement? Correct! Well, these elements all feature prominently in a June decision by New Yorks Southern District Court, which dismissed infringement claims against producers Kanye West and Damon Dash over their use of the title "Loisaidas" for an eight part film series depicting a turf war in the iconic neighborhood. The ruling centres on the use of trademarked terms whose expressive meanings reach beyond the scope of the owners legal right.

Plaintiff Michael Medina named his Latin music duo "Loisaidas," trademarking the name for music videos and song recordings in 2011. He filed a lawsuit against West and Dash, complaining that the defendants infringed Medinas mark, violating the Lanham Act and related state law, after using "Loisaidas" in a series of "music videos." The defendants rejected Medinas claims, arguing the project was a series of films, rather than music videos.

The court rejected the plaintiffs argument that West and Dash used "Loisaidas" in reference to Medinas work rather than its colloquial meaning, in other words as a slang word to describe Lower East Side natives. The decision noted that the defendants "obviously" used the term to refer to a location. It further noted the Second Circuits decisions in Twin Peaks Prods. Inc. v. Publns Intl Ltd. and Rogers v. Grimaldi to control a motion to dismiss, since the term at issue was an artistic works title. Under Twin Peaks and Rogers, the Circuit held that it must first see whether the trademarked title has any artistic relevance to the work in question. If that relevance exists, then the court must judge whether a likelihood of confusion exists, applying relevant factors to determine whether the title is misleading.

To avoid encroaching upon First Amendment values, the decision reinforced a narrow interpretation of the Lanham Act. Since the publicity value of Medinas music was not exploited by West and Dash, their film series "clearly has artistic relevance to a series of short films about drug dealers seeking to acquire control of the drug trade in Manhattans Lower East Side." The plaintiff never held that the defendants suggested any coordination or relationship between the two parties, and because "Loisaidas" had public meaning prior to its trademarking, Medina was unable to "stake his claim to a pre-existing term and then attempt to remove all expressive use from public circulation." At the heart of the matter is the issue of what legal protections, or lack thereof, exist for trademark owners when their mark assumes an expressive meaning separate from its source-identifying purpose? For Medina, those protections are few and far between. For West and Dash, that means another eight-part "Loisaidas" turf war may be on the table.

The Senior Citizen, 50 Plus Market is Huge

The Senior Citizen, 50 Plus Market is Huge

Image source: http://s32.iamwire.com.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Mitashi-PLAY-Senior-Friend-.jpg

The Senior Citizen, 50 Plus Internet Market Is Huge and growing fast.

This is a growing market, world wide, that needs to be considered in your marketing efforts, regardless of what you may be marketing. This is true regardless if you are online or offline.

There about 20mil. seniors on line in the US alone. Add the Canadian market and you begin to see just how big this market is.

The internet habits of the over 50 generation is similar to that of the 18 to 35 age group. However they differ in that they are generally more literate and delve more deeply into the sites they surf and visit longer. Its been said they spend an average of 44-45 min. per day surfing and that means about 750,000 min. per day and that's not simply keeping in touch with friends and family.

Analysis show that baby boomers and seniors view about 178+ more pages and spend 6.3 more days per month logged on to the internet than their college age counter parts. Seniors also have more credit cards and income. They also control more than 72% of the wealth in this country and are more likely to buy.

But the problem they face is that good information that is relevant to the over 50 generation is either hard to find or outdated. Why is that?

I think this is so because most marketers out there simply don't know what their needs and wants really are. One of the requirements of successful internet marketing is to know your target market.

This is such a huge market that there are symposiums and conferences being held all over the world trying to learn and understand the needs and wants of this market and how to satisfy them.

But on a local level, who knows seniors better than other seniors. There are about 194 mil. Internet users out there at any given time with 37% of them being seniors and 50 plus generation and actively looking for some kind of business opportunity.

With seniors controlling 72% of the wealth out there, why would they be looking for a small home based business? It's because about 37% of them have failed to save for retirement and are actively looking for a home business as a way to fund their retirement

I would ask you, is this beginning to look like a huge marketing opportunity to you? If you already have a small business and are not marketing to this segment of the market I must say you are missing the boat. If your in this senior group and looking for a business, search the internet and I am sure you will find something of interest you will want to market.

Now what is my purpose in writing this article? It's simply to inform others of this huge and growing market and to show seniors and baby boomers that if they have interest in starting a home based business that there is a new process out there called Attraction Marketing. When this system is learned and put into practice they will be able to build and grow a successful internet home based business in a relatively short time, months and not years it normally takes, and without all the necessary trial and error associated with internet marketing.

Learn and use this process and I must say that for the first time you may find success with your marketing efforts. You will also be pleasantly surprised at all the time and money you will be able to save using the attraction marketing process. It will be far less than trying to do it any other way.

The Relationship Between Human and Nature

The Relationship Between Human and Nature

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/6217213/20/images/13/Transcendentalists+Stressed+the+relationship+between+humans+and+nature+as+well+as+the+importance+of+the+individual+conscience..jpg

The relationship between people and nature is interdependent. Nature provides us with all kinds of resources which are indispensable to our existence. Without nature, people could not live. We need air, water, sunshine, food and so on. On the other hand, human also belong to the nature, nature also needs human. As a consequence, if we destroy the nature, in some extent, we will diminish ourselves.

Nature is a mighty force. All species are the result of natural selection. Human is no exception. We can adjust nature or in part alter nature, but we cannot conquer nature. Conquering will certainly bring devastation. We have to pay for our triumph. It now threatens our life and even our existence. We must learn and strive to co-exist with nature, because it provides us with the vital things for our lives. There is no way we may conquer nature.

Human occupation of animal's territory might cause species extinction. Lands are cultivated for human uses, which mean animals have fewer places to live. The noise of city life will drive some animals away. Woods will be fallen down for constructions. There will be less food for the animals. In this case, the number of animals will decrease steadily as urbanization goes on. Some weak or small species will definitely be doomed to extinction.

The global warming is one of the most apparent environmental changes. The average temperature rises in comparison with that of the past. Weather changed greatly. We have more floods and sand storms. People suffer from extremely cold and hot weather, which did not exist in the past. Natural resources decrease rapidly. Forests disappear with high speed. The sea is not clear any more. All these are environmental changes we can observe.

There are a lot of factors causing environmental pollution. Developed industry is an important one. It takes up a lot of land which used to be farmland and forests, thus it reduces the area of plants. I think the main reason is that people don't pay much attention to environment. They only want to get more and more from environment without considering the consequences. So they pour waste water into rivers, let out poisonous gas into the air, and throw litter all around. They simply neglect all the consequences that their behavior may lead to. And that they want is profit. They won't consider their descendants. They have no ideas of environmental protection.

Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

The pros of choosing swimming wetsuits for your water sport fantasies are more than you thought of

The pros of

Image source: https://theoutreachinterns.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/pros-copy.jpg

Sports outfits for women have undergone a massive makeover in the past decade and several innovations and ideas that have been introduced in this arena have created quite a storm. Surfing wetsuits and swimming wetsuits are now not only available in the basic colours but choices can be made in a range of interesting variants. A look at the websites selling wetsuits online can give you an idea about the wide range of options you have at hand before hitting the water.
More and more women are expanding their horizons and trying out interesting things as a part of adventure. After all, life is all about exploring the challenges and achieving beyond the boundaries you have set. Why will you be left behind? Try out the range of swimsuits that can be yours with just a click and dive into the water with elan.

Swimming costumes are of various types and kinds. Most of them like a bikini, bandeau, tankini or one piece should be bought according to comfort level and body type. Swimming wetsuits are kind of a specially designed one piece swimming outfit. They are especially created for two purposes- the first, is to keep the body warm in cold water and secondly, to provide buoyancy to the body. In short, it keeps you warm and helps you to float in the water.

Usually when made for colder climates, wetsuits cover you up from neck to feet. Providing maximum coverage in the water helps to keep the body warm and minimises contact with the icy water. However, wetsuits are also made for women in warmer climates and have lesser body coverage. These are often known as shorty because the length of the legs of the wetsuit resembles shorts worn by women. These provide medium coverage while performing the act of providing balance and buoyancy to your body and being a very stylish swimsuit to be sported.

Wetsuit materials are usually made of substances like neoprene and other closed cell materials that are good in providing the insulating effect. These are stretchy materials that have absolutely no holes and keep the body heat locked in without allowing outside water from seeping in. Only a thin layer of water gets layered between the material of the wetsuit and the skin. Your body heat warms up this layer of water and it gives you comfort in icy water while performing water sports that require you to dive deep. This is why full coverage swimming wetsuits are a must for swimmers in colder climates as the icy water can really give you chill and hinder your performance. It is necessary to ensure that the wetsuit fits you properly to minimise chances of water seeping into the suit and ruining its purpose altogether.

Last, but not the least, fashionable and trendy surfing wetsuits are very good for other water sports like scuba diving and surfing too since they help you to maintain balance in water without being dragged away. Buoyancy is maintained by the bubbles fitted inside the neoprene material and it helps the swimmer to remain afloat in the water while being involved in the activities.

Thus, from style to added performance, a wetsuit can be the best choice of swimming outfit you can ever choose for yourself.

Resource Box: - Swimming wetsuits provide more benefits in water than you can think of. From wrapping you up in great style to providing optimum insulation in chilled water, surfing wetsuits can make your day.

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection Helps Women Combating Hair Loss

The Lauren Ashtyn

Image source: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/5090486/thumbs/o-THE-LAUREN-ASHTYN-COLLECTION-570.jpg

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection recently made an announcement regarding tips that are intended to help women who suffer from hair loss. The company stated that the announcement is intended to provide helpful pointers to women who are trying to make the most out of this difficult situation.

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection began by stating that hair loss can affect women at any point in their lives, especially after giving birth and upon entering middle age. According to the Lauren Ashtyn collection, there are several things that women can do to offset the hair loss, and maintain the appearance of a full head of hair.

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection indicated that one way that women can mitigate the effects of hair loss is by using thickening shampoos. The Lauren Ashtyn Collection mentioned that thickening shampoos can repair damaged hair, while adding volume. The company stated that this can disguise the look of thinning hair. https://www.facebook.com/thelaurenashtyncollection/

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection also mentioned that another way that women can offset the effects of hair loss is by experimenting with different hairstyles. The company pointed out that, thanks to todays anything goes approach to hair styling, women have a nearly endless variety of styles to choose from. According to The Lauren Ashtyn Collection, a new hairstyle can go a long way toward making women feel good about their hair, and help them gain their confidence again. The companys luxury, real hair extensions can be customized, cut, and colored to fit each individual situation, allowing women the freedom to maintain or change their hairstyle as they see fit, or as necessity dictates. They can be followed at https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-lauren-ashtyn-collection-spartanburg-3

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection concluded its announcement by providing company information. The company stated that Lauren Ashtyn is the daughter of a hairstylist, and grew up with a passion for hair. The company also indicated that it provides hair extensions, in addition to hair care products and accessories. The company went on to mention that its hair extensions are 100% human European hairpieces, are fully customizable, and free online consultations are available to help fulfill their clients needs. The Lauren Ashtyn Collection closed by saying that its clip-in extensions provide length and volume in a snap. Company reviews can be seen at https://www.google.com/maps/place/162+E+Main+St,+Spartanburg,+SC+29306/@34.9503,-81.9318907,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8857758b11b8cbcb:0x8922b6b3a1726ffc!8m2!3d34.9503!4d-81.929702

Christopher Guest
Company: The Lauryn Ashtyn Collection
Address: 162 East Main St., Spartanburg, SC 29306
Phone: (865)641-0751
Email: Contact@laurenashtyn.com
Website: https://thelaurenashtyncollection.com/

The Importance Of Entertainment In Everyday Life

The Importance Of Entertainment In Everyday Life

Image source: http://bodyxbeauty.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Yoga-Importance-In-Daily-Life.jpg?8b9bb9

People who work round the clock are prone to psychological disorders. The effects can vary from one person to another but they become like background noise - always a part of your personality. Entertainment is only a tool that can minimize or eliminate that negative effect.

All those activities that are categorized as entertainment actually deviate your attention from matters that cause mental stress and pressure. Many studies and researches have shown that a workplace where the environment is stress-free and friendly in nature has a higher efficiency level. Human resource departments often rely upon the presence of entertainment to create a better-working environment. Large enterprises often create a refreshment area for their employees inside the company building. These recreational areas are for the staff and they can come and enjoy their leisure time.

Schools are also asked by education boards to engage their students in extra curricular activities. These activities are very important for improving social interaction skills and character building. They help bring a sense of healthy competition and fair play spirit among the students.

Many people consider some high-risk activities as their source of entertainment. Bungee jumping, off-road traveling, scuba diving and sky dive. These activities can prove fatal but if they are performed under the supervision of professionals, they can be really fun.

The most important thing everyone should do is enjoy some sort of activity during their daily routine that will take away the issues that come up during through the day. Constantly thinking about what goes wrong and what needs to be done keeps your stress levels way too elevated for your own good. You can go for something as simple and as easy as a reading a book in your lunch break - for the brief period when you immerse yourself in that universe you tend to forget about your issues - enough for your brain to take a break from all the madness.

Another interesting alternative is simply taking a break from it all and going for a walk - you would be amazed how truly entertaining a walk can be. Simply take your mp3 player with you, let your favorite songs play and during your lunch break go to your "happy place". There is no better entertainment while you are at work. You can also consider something more eclectic like a PlayStation portable if you are the kind of person that enjoys being challenged at a console game now and then.

It all depends on your wants and needs - entertainment comes in a variety of ways, and picking the one that is right for you will ensure its efficiency in stress-relief matters. Remember that it is important to do exactly what you want - that's why it's called taking a break.

Jumat, 26 Januari 2018

The Differences between Bridge, Construction and Rehab Loans

The Differences between Bridge, Construction and Rehab Loans

Image source: http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/wamc/files/201406/newtzb.JPG

For a potential borrowers seeking monetary assistance for purchasing a home or constructing a building, there are many different types of loans out there and maneuvering through each one can be difficult. The task of choosing what type of loan will suit your needs can be daunting. In general, there are three loans that are many borrowers go tos. These include bridge loans, construction loans and rehab loans.

Bridge Loan Chicago

Bridge loans are most commonly used as a temporary means of finance for an individual or business until permanent financing is established. When a home buyer is purchasing a home before selling an existing home, a frequent way to secure the down payment for the new home is through a bridge loan. Bridge loans bridge the gap between the sales price of a new home and a home buyer's new mortgage, in case the buyer's home has not yet been sold. The funds from the bridge loan can then be used as a down payment on the new home. Rates for a bridge loan in Chicago usually vary and depend on the lender.

Construction Loan Chicago

Construction loans are not standardized as mortgage loans are standardized, but typically a construction loan will require interest-only payments during construction and become fully due upon completion. Completion is defined as a house that has acquired its certificate of occupancy. Numerous homeowners tend to use financing programs where the construction loan is converted to a mortgage loan after completion of construction. The advantage is that at time of completion, you only have to have one application and one closing. A construction loan, unlike a mortgage loan, is not meant to be around for a long time and a construction loan in Chicago will usually vary in terms of length of lending period and rates.

Rehab Loans Chicago

A rehab loan is a loan that is used mainly in the rehabilitation of homes or buildings. These types of loans may be made through traditional lenders but can also be insured by a government agency. The government sees the investment as a beneficial way to rehabilitate and revitalize neighborhoods by way of remodeling. There are numerous types of rehab loans depending on what type of loan and the amount you are seeking from a lender. However, they all have one central thing in common: to transform an existing property so that it is worth more once remodeled than it was when initially purchased. As with all other loans, rates for rehab loans in Chicago will normally vary depending on the lender.

Purchasing a new home, constructing a building, or remodeling a property can be an exciting time. Seeking the proper loan for your project is important and understanding the differences between each is vital. Take the time to become informed on what you need and better secure your investment.

The Chteau de Gremolles Unique Architecture in Southern Burgundy

The Chteau de Gremolles Unique Architecture in Southern Burgundy

Image source: http://media.cdn-redfin.com/photo/165/bigphoto/202/2015013202_1.jpg

Barge holidays in France are a perfect way to explore this well-loved country from a new perspective. Picture yourself aboard a comfortable hotel barge, cruising gently along the waterways of Southern Burgundy, a glass of wine in hand. Sound ideal? Read on to discover one of the most interesting places you can visit in Southern Burgundy, an exemplar of a Burgundian ducal residence, the Chteau de Germolles.
Daring Dukes and a Charming Chteau

The Chteau de Germolles was home to some of the most important dukes of the region during the late medieval and early Renaissance eras: Philip the Bold, John the Fearless, Philip the Good and Charles the Bold. As their impressive names suggest, these men were powerful and influential rulers who reigned over the region of Burgundy just before the blossoming of the French Renaissance. During this period, the cultural and economic groundwork was laid for an explosion of arts, learning and culture.

Philip the Bolds central seat was in Dijon in the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy. He was an ambitious man and extensively extended the palace in Dijon, adding a huge ceremonial hall along with kitchens large enough for thirty chefs to work. Imagine the size of the banquets they produced! Philips palace in Dijon now retains only a few remnants of medieval architecture. However, the Chteau de Germolles, which he bought for his wife Margaret III of Flanders, is a fantastic example of the medieval style.

In the 1380s Philip gave his wife an austere fortress and over the next ten years she worked to create a comfortable country estate containing works of art from some of the best artists from the Burgundian School. The luxurious country retreat was in the possession of French royalty until the eighteenth century. The building was damaged but luckily not destroyed during the turbulence of the Revolution and it has been owned by the same family since the nineteenth century.

The Chteau Today

Sadly, many of the princely buildings which date from fourteenth- and fifteenth-century France have since disappeared. This makes the chteau in Burgundy a rare and exciting survival from this era. The building is astonishingly well-preserved, allowing visitors to imagine what court life just before the Renaissance would have been like. Many itineraries for barge holidays in France give you the opportunity to explore this unique estate.

Of artistic interest are the heraldic frescos which decorate the private apartments in the chteau. Architecturally, the Hall of Honour and the chapels are fine examples of late medieval work. Tours are often led by the current owners of the estate. As the family has owned the property for over one hundred years, they have a wealth of knowledge, passed-down through the generations, that they are very willing to share.

If youve never considered barge holidays in France before, imagine approaching this fascinating site by river. One of my favourite sites on the tour is the thirteenth-century storeroom as it provides just a small idea of the amount of people and supplies it would take to support such as large and wealthy house.

Paul Newman is the Marketing and E-Systems Executive for European Waterways, the UK's most respected provider if you're looking for all-inclusive, luxury barge holidays in France or other great destinations. Part of a team of experienced barging aficionados, Paul is first in line to endorse the perks of a slow-paced barge cruise to anyone looking for a unique holiday experience.

Targeted Lead Generation System

Targeted Lead Generation System

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/ac/da/fdacda9a21c2dbad10f1984d260ad708.jpg

Many sales people lust after good targeted leads.

Like a fisherman who traps their own minnows or digs/farms their own worms, it's possible to set up your own targeted lead generation system. The advantage, in addition to cost savings, is your own exclusive access to your targeted leads, and the ability to build a positive business relationship with them from the start.

Targeted lead generation is not too difficult to do on your own, if you are clear about what your potential targeted lead wants. Understanding your customer is key to any sales process.

The first step is to set up a simple web page or blog site. If you want your leads to be targeted, your site needs to be targeted as well.

Generate a list of the ten most frequently asked questions your customers raise during the sales process. Add to it the five things you wish they knew about your product before they made a buying decision. Then write out the three things that make your particular product unique. If you can come up with more than ten, five and three do so.

This list of questions, features and benefits will be the basis of your web page or blog. Examine your list through the eyes of the targeted lead you wish to generate. Of the topics on you list, which 3-5 would generate the most interest from a casual prospect not actively searching for your product at the moment?

What ever they are, design a 3-7 page report discussing them in reasonable detail. These you are going to make into a free report that you will give away to anyone who comes to your web site and requests it.

To make it even more appealing, it would be a good idea to come up with a sexy title, and a nice graphical image to catch your prospective targeted leads attention. But if the creative juices aren't flowing you can go with something like the "The Top Three Things You Need To Know Before Buying an X"

The rest of the topics you have come up with should then be turned into individual articles. The best 6-10 should be used to create separate pages on your web site if you go the web site route, or if you go with the blog approach, all of them should be turned into blog posts.

The combination of multiple web pages on a narrowly defined topic that focuses on the key issues and questions a prospective buyer may have will attract just the people you are hoping to find.

By creating a free report, that answers their most burning remaining questions, you have a giveaway you can offer them in exchange for their email address.

By linking this system to an auto-responder you can follow-up with your new targeted lead automatically.

Your follow-up messages can repeat in a reworded manner the exact information you have already posted on your web page or in your blog. But with each message you make sure to indicate your willingness to personally answer any additional questions they may have and invite them to contact you when they are ready to make a buying decision.

The best part of this system, is that they will call you when they are ready to buy.

This method of targeted lead generation does take some effort to set up and to refine. But once it is set up, it can operate on auto-pilot and generate targeted leads for you for years to come.

It's the equivalent of teaching someone to fish. But there's nothing fishy about it.

Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Statistics Without Hassles

Statistics Without Hassles

Image source: http://www.phonetransfer.org/wp-content/uploads/restore-from-one-drive-2.jpg

The science of statistics has been around ever since the early days of civilized communities. In the past statistics is primarily used to determine the population of a certain area and to determine certain details about a community such as categorization of their works or determining the quantity of taxes that must be collected from a household. It has become one of the most useful tools of man when it comes to extracting data by means of interpreting numbers.

The modern definition of statistics is that it is being looked at as a science. It is a process of learning or acquiring information thru the numbers that had been gathered as data. These data can be gathered from the whole number of a target population or it can be derived from a certain portion of the whole population that is deemed to represent the whole of the community. All of the collected data is organized according to what categories they belong to and analyzed to arrive at certain interpretations that best describes the population. The interpretation is then presented as a finished work.

Gathering the data is the easy part of a research, almost anyone can do it. All you have to do is to use a data gathering instrument and collect then collect the data from the public population. But gathering the data is only the beginning of statistics. The grueling part of it is the process of organizing it up to the interpretation. In order to do this a number of mathematical procedures must be done correctly in order not to arrive at a fictional interpretation that may not fully represent the whole of the target population.

Because of the level of mathematical skills that is needed just to perform any statistic related tasks, students frequently experience trouble in doing it. The most sought out solution for students nowadays is to find someone who will do it for them or hire a statistician. But finding a competent statistician physically may not be the best solution considering that most of them are working for companies and may demand a high rate of payment. But luckily if students will result to the internet then there is a big chance that they can find themselves a site that offers statistic assignment help.

The Statistic Homework Help is one of the websites that can provide any student with any statistical service solutions for their home works. This site can provide statistical services such as in descriptive statistics, probability distributions, inferential statistics etc ad all of these are all under the service do my statistics homework. However, statistics is nothing like any literary works that doesnt require any exact answers. The grueling process of arriving at an exact answer requires long hours or work and a reasonable amount of analytical skills. Because of this reason the required payment for any statistical service must be just and must correspond with the efforts that are put into it. But even so, doing statistics for a student is not a simple task. Seeking help with statistics assignment is the best solution that a student can do.

But for those students who dont want to go the easy way they can just take advantage of the online statistic tutors that are offered by the Statistic Homework Help and enrich their knowledge in statistics and enhance their capabilities in the said field.

Simple Tips On How To Overcome Cancer

Simple Tips On How To Overcome Cancer

Image source: https://ehonami.blob.core.windows.net/media/2015/12/meat2-12-10-15.jpg

Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy, and natural cures are all treatments used to cure or relieve the symptoms of different types of cancer. Surgery normally involves complete removal of the tumor. The purpose of chemotherapy is to kill or stop the growth of cancerous cells, without affecting normal cells. Radiation is also aimed at inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

Getting a good night of sleep is an important factor in your body's ability to heal during and after cancer treatment. However, because of the side effects of treatment and the stress of a cancer diagnosis, sleeping well can be difficult. To sleep better, create a relaxing bedtime routine and bedroom environment, limit daytime naps, and limit caffeine consumption.

There are many different ways that people cope with cancer. Some of them good and some of them bad. Find a good way to cope with cancer. Some good coping methods include relaxation techniques, such as meditation, doing leisure activities or writing your feelings down in a journal.

Try not to smother a family member or friend who has cancer. People may instinctively try to be supportive and overdo it. Show your care and concern on a regular basis, but try not to snoop or contact incessantly. If you do, your actions may have the opposite effect as you desire and they may push you out of their life.

Talk to people that you know and love if you are dealing with cancer. This can be a very scary time, and the more people you have supporting you, the better you will feel, and you will be able to stay positive a little longer. Let others into your heart with open arms.

If you feel concerned, always seek the guidance of a physician. If you are too proud or scared to visit the doctor, you could be ignoring issues that exist and could get worse. If there is cancer present, it could spread and cause greater harm, which could be avoided if you seek the guidance of a health care professional you trust.


Talk with other survivors. A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and it can feel like no one understands what it is like. Talk with family members or friends who has gone through it themselves or join a support group. From them, you can get insight into what treatment will be like and how to handle your diagnosis.

Heart-healthy diets always suggest limiting the ingestion of red meat, and it should be the same for cancer-preventing diets. Always make sure you're not eating more than 11 ounces of red meat per week. The fat and cholesterol within red meat can increase your odds of contracting cancer, so take it easy on the meat.

Cancer Cure

Watch out for cancer treatment scams. After being diagnosed with cancer, you may feel desperate to try any treatment you can find. However, you should be careful and fully research any treatment method you are considering. If a cancer "cure" sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Discuss and research the treatment with a reputable doctor or government agency before deciding on any treatment.

Prevent Cancer

Prevent cancer by avoiding cancer causing substances. There are often news stories about newly discovered harmful substances. For example, radiation and some chemicals are known to cause cancer. For women, menopausal hormone treatments can cause cancer. If the hormone treatments are necessary for women, it is best to try and limit intake to less five years.

Broccoli, Bok Choy, Brussels Sprouts and Kale can all help you fight to prevent cancer if you eat them regularly. These vegetables are called cruciferous vegetables and several laboratory studies have shown that ingesting these vegetables can help to regulate certain enzymes in your body which help you defend against cancer.

As a preventative measure, some women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer, may have a mastectomy. Chemotherapy is often able to kill cancerous cells, but it also affects normal cells leading to anemia, hair loss and other side effects. Hormone therapy can sometimes cause certain types of tumors to regress. New treatments are being researched and developed on a continuous basis.

Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

Selling More Door To Door - Tips For Success

Selling More Door To Door - Tips For Success

Image source: http://www.doortodoormastery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/unleash_the_emotions-660x330.jpg

Door to door sales require special daily preparation to be successful. Door to door sales allows less time for a good impression. Door to door sales require ways to dull the pain of rejection. This article discusses several ways to do these important steps in door to door success.

The First Door Is The Car Door - The hardest thing about door to door sales is getting started. They say the first door is the car door and what it means is that it's tough to get out and start knocking. You need to convince yourself every day that you are helping people by telling them about your product or service. You need to sell yourself until you feel sorry for anyone who does not have your products or services. This is critical to give you the courage to sell door to door.

Dress For Success - People are more concerned about opening the door than ever before. What impression do you give? You have only seconds to make an impression that will allow you to make contact. First, be spotlessly clean. Be very well groomed. Greasy hair or dirty hands are enough to prevent a contact. Dress like a person they would want to talk to. Depending on the neighborhood, it could be a person in a suit, it could be a person in a golf shirt and kaki pants. I suggest you try different attires and see what works. For example, I would be much more likely to open the door to a person in a suit. Are they the FBI? My pastor? Tax collectors? Try different attire and see what gets good results. Men should beware of beards. I have one and I can tell you it makes door to door sales much harder. Also leather jackets, cut away t-shirts, and tattoos are all handicaps in door to door sales.

Be sure to have visible ID. People expect it. Wear your id openly and turned so the prospect can see it before they open the door. Picture ID is best. If possible have signs and graphics on your vehicle that identifies you and your company

Be sure to back away from the door after knocking so they know you will not rush the door to push in if they open it. If there is a porch, you might consider walking down the steps and waiting off the porch. This also means the prospect has to open the door to ask who you are. Don't look in the windows after you knock, don't touch their stuff. Don't pick up their paper or mail - even to hand it to them.

Opening Lines That Work - In door to door sales, you have only a few seconds to make an impression. You need to have your opening prepared. You need to practice, keep track of results and keep improving your opening. Do not start with telling them about your product. If they wanted it, they would have called you. Here are some suggestions to try.

If you can see something on the outside of the home, try talking about that. For example, if you are a roofer, you might open with "Good morning. I am Carl from Acme Roofing. I stopped by because as I drove by I noticed the flashing has pulled away from your chimney. Has it started to leak onto your ceilings yet? I stopped to tell you a few things you could do to fix that problem before it becomes a really costly one."

Notice that this approach is all about the customer. It starts a conversation they want to join. Work on a similar idea for your product or service. Do not start with "I am from Acme Roofing. Are you interested in a new roof?" That just isn't going to work in today's market.

Notice that the opener offered a solution for free. Later you can convince them it's better to hire you for help but starting a conversation for free assistance is a lot easier than selling a stranger.

Setting Reasonable Contact Goals - Many door to door salespeople are out there with no idea what to expect in terms of numbers. What is success? You need to have a reasonable expectation of contacts and sales. While these numbers differ in different industries, here are some rough ideas to start with.

If you sell door to door for 4 hours per day set a goal to start of 10 contacts per hour or 40 for the day. That is an average of 6 minutes per door. Set that goal and stick to it. Make a commitment rain or shine. Try different hours, different attire and different openings to see what works well for you. You have not failed if it doesn't work at first unless you don't change anything! Don't worry about selling to start. Just work on your mind and confidence until you know you can have a good conversation with 40 people per day. Since your goal is based on four hours of selling, if you missed you goal, ad an hour until you reach it.

The next goal you need to set is for meaningful contacts. What percentage of the doors you knock do you enter into a meaningful conversation? I will suggest you start with a goal of just one in ten or ten percent. That means if you contact 40 people per day, you will make a meaningful presentation to four.

Content and presentation numbers and goals are very important to success. There is no rejection involved. So far your success is based on hours worked and doors knocked. Now let's look at sales.

Setting & Achieving Reasonable Sales Goals - You need to set a reasonable goal for sales so you can celebrate victories every day. I suggest you start with a goal of one sale in 4 presentations or a closing rate of 25%. Based on our goal for contacts of 40, and 4 presentations, that would give you a goal of one sale per day. If you don't meet that goal, look into training, and trying new ways to close. Analyze why they say "no" and try to solve the problem. Having a goal and meeting it gives you a much better feeling each day than just hoping and not keeping track.

There a few tips for door to door sales that we know will help you stay up and motivated. In door to door sales often rookies make sales and performance fades with time. Working on the techniques in this article will help you keep that "rookie edge" and sell more every day.

Search Engine Optimization Tips That Are Easy To Understand

Search Engine Optimization Tips That Are Easy To Understand

Image source: http://webtrickz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/15042011004804.jpg

With very little guidance you can successfully apply some of the most basic and effective SEO techniques. Here are some great tips to optimize your site.

If you try writing your articles around keywords, you will be rewarded with improved search engine optimization. Using relevant keywords in your articles makes it easier for search engines to crawl them and index them appropriately. Ultimately, this allows readers to find the articles more easily. Put one of your keywords in your title and in the conclusion. You will also want to include it throughout the text.

One good optimization technique is to include your keywords or phrase in your title. To link pages together, make sure the title tag is used on every page. Put your company name at the end in the title link so that everything is all connected. Unless your company name is extremely well-known, people probably won't be searching simply by it.

Keyword placement throughout your website is key for search engine optimization. Do not put too many keywords at the beginning but make sure to put enough. A good, general rule is to incorporate your keyword twice into the leading paragraph. Follow that up by repetitively using your keyword in the following paragraphs.

You can optimize your website by using a lot of different techniques. You will obtain high ranked results if you optimize your system for search. The optimized performance will make your readers happier as well.

Each META tag should be different for each page. You do not want to make use of same Meta description tag for more than one page because they will cause your ranking to be fall on most search engines.

Make sure to always have new, useful content posted regularly. People have no use for old information, and your visitors will probably not return if they see that your content is stale and out of date.

Optimizing your webpage makes it more visible for your customers. Unfortunately, some online businesses still underestimate the importance of their search engine rankings.

Position yourself as an authority in your niche. It is an effective way to increase your internet marketing success. Make sure that you create a site that has a specific targeted audience, as this will allow you to better enhance your SEO strategy. Keep your customers needs in mind and meet them; don't make assumptions about what they want.

Improving your ranking is not solely about drawing in visitors. You also need to keep them there. It is believed that the length of time that someone spends on a website will have an influence on the website's PageRank. In other words, simply driving traffic to your site is no longer an effective way to get a good PageRank rating. When customers can chat, discuss, and interact with each other on your site, they are more likely to stay longer.

Search engine optimization relies strongly on key words for its success. Avoid this by keeping keywords under 20% of your page total.

Don't hesitate to hire a qualified SEO company to help you optimize your website. SEO involves optimizing your site so that it will appear higher in the search results. You can frequently find excellent deals with these services.

One of the most important search engine optimization tips to remember is that you must always keep track of your search standings. Monitor your standings to see how your SEO is going. There are programs to monitor your rankings. Two of them are Alexa and the Google toolbar.

Apply new information quickly to keep your website useful and relevant. Increase the performance of your site with the tips you have learned in this article.

Sales Prospecting in Down Economies

Sales Prospecting in Down Economies

Image source: https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/1585/files/518771/preview/9e84aa1275b2ce13e39e5c425ca02e55/blur/preview10.jpg

Sales prospecting in down economies is no different than sales prospecting in up economies. It is still a behaviour, a discipline - doing what we have to do, even when we do not want to do it.

The only difference is that you may have to invest more time in sales prospecting in a down economy.

Sales prospecting can be time consuming in itself, but in a down economy, it is even more time consuming as sales prospects seem to be harder to find.

Therefore, more time invested in sales prospecting is required. If you did ten daily sales prospecting calls before, you may now have to do twenty to get the same results.

However, besides investing time, there is a better way to get the same or better results when it comes to sales prospecting. But first, you have to do your homework.

You need to know what our sales prospects should look like - you need to profile them so that you can take a targeted sales prospecting approach and not a shot gun approach.

It is the shot gun approach that is time consuming and does not get you the sales prospecting results you are looking for.

In a targeted sales strategy you need to define the criteria for three customer levels - A, B, and C.

The 80/20 rule states that 80% of your sales results come from 20% of your customers.

That 20% would be considered as your best customers. They are "A" or absolute customers, because they provide you with 80% of your revenues and without them, you would be out of business.

Answer this question: What criteria best describes you're A customers? Is it profitability, loyalty, margin, volume, brand, relationship, etc.? Note your answers.

Then you need to proceed with the same question for the next level of sales prospecting - "B" beneficial customers. So, what is the sales criteria for your "B" level of customers ? How are they distinguished from A customers? Note your answers.

You can then proceed with what is the sales criteria for your next level of customers - "C" - convenient customers? How are they distinguished from B customers? Note your answers.

You may find that most of your prospecting activities are probably to "C" or convenient customers, as most sales people invest 80% of their sales prospecting time where they get 20% of the revenues.

So, let's do the opposite and focus our sales prospecting activities on the A customers.

Once your sales criteria is defined for each level of customer, go to your sales data base and using the sales criteria identify your existing customers as A, B or C.

Separate the A customers and create their profile based on the information on hand. You will find that there is something different about them, compared to the B's and C's.

What is that difference? Now map that profile over to the market place for sales prospecting. Who are the A sales prospects out there that are not presently doing business with you?

Do the same with the B customers and identified the sales prospects for you B category in the marketplace. Also, look at your existing B customers who have potential to be come A's.

Sales prospecting can be fun and most rewarding for sales results when you invest the time and plan your sales prospecting approach.

Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

Sailboat Winter Haul Out, Clean, Anti-Foul Touch Up, Buff and Polish

Sailboat Winter Haul

Image source: http://www.spitzermarinas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/haulout-2.jpg

It is not often one chooses to haul out a sailboat in the dead of winter. However, in Sydneys' benign climate this is not as bad as you might imagine. A friend of mine discovered the growth on his hull by June was excessive, which is only half way through the annual haul out programme, the next one scheduled being the main annual spring haul out in October.
Whether it is the advance of climate change we don't know. What we do know is that the water temperature this winter stayed much warmer than normal and much longer than normal. It was still almost the summer temperature of 18+ degrees celcius in the middle of June. This appears to have kept the weed growing vigorously and there was quite substantial growth on the hull, particularly around the waterline. With the winter racing series in mind it was decided drastic action was required. So, on a fine and sunny but cool morning in late June the 43 footer was slipped and work begun. A semi enthusiastic team of four had been mustered with the object in mind of completing the job as quickly as possible and getting her back into the water.

The tasks to hand were: Acid wash to clean off scuff marks etc. off the hull, water blast the hull, apply anti foul to the boot topping and as far down the hull as necessary, wet sand the propeller and shaft, apply polish to and buff the complete hull above the waterline. We expected we would use up most of the day to get them all completed, but as we shall see, our industry even surprised us and we were finished much sooner.

Tools and materials required were: Acid for the acid wash, water blaster (supplied by the yacht club), masking tape for the boot topping line, anti foul, electrical paddle for stirring, emery type paper/cloth, polish, polishing rags, electrical buffer, scaffold stands and planks.

Throw in a liberal dose of humour, a thermal bag containing hot coffee and sandwiches, and we had a possible recipe for completing the job in time for 'splashing' the boat and a quick sail before the winter sun disappeared below the western bulk of Scotland Island.

Under the winter sunshine and beady eye of the skipper we began. After thirty minutes sweaters were being discarded and everyone was working in shirtsleeves. The water blasting was quite simple in the end as the weed, whilst bad enough around the waterline, was much less than anticipated further down the hull, so she was cleaned off more quickly than anticipated.

The acid wash (50 - 50 water, acid) had been applied and allowing ten minutes or so for drying was water blasted off at the same time as the weed growth. Next, the lid comes off the anti foul paint and is stirred with an electrical paddle. Tape is applied to the boot topping line in readiness for brushing on the anti foul and polish is being liberally slapped on the hull above the waterline, let dry and then buffed up with the electric buffer.

The propeller, whilst the smallest item being attacked, was in the worst shape and was badly encrusted with marine growth. The shaft, whilst not too bad, also needed attention. With all the activity going on around him, the crew member assigned this task, with water and wet sanding emery type paper/cloth, worked on methodically bringing the prop pretty much back to its original shiny and spotless finish beautiful!

Whilst she was out of the water we took the opportunity to check her running gear. The cutless bearing having been replaced last year was nice and tight and no movement in the shaft. We also took a straight edge to check across the propeller tips that they were all in line. Anodes were about half eroded and would last until the spring haul out. Before we knew it, everything was finished and we were standing back admiring our handiwork (above) - the sandwiches and coffee never tasted better!

She had been hauled early that morning. We were finished by 1:30pm and congratulating ourselves on our 'Teamwork' with still a good chunk of the day remaining to do other things.

You can read more about sailboat maintenance whilst cruising in my ebook 'Voyage of the Little Ship 'Tere Moana' downloadable from my website for sailors website for sailors

Resolving Shared Custody When You're Divorced

Resolving Shared Custody When You're Divorced

Image source: https://pics.onsizzle.com/son-why-are-you-and-mom-getting-a-divorce-dad-3050559.png

I haven't found a single way out of or around what I consider one of the stickiest problems brought about by divorce: sharing custody of your children with your ex.

Divorce hurts. It is your natural inclination to move away from the hurt that divorce brings as rapidly as possible. If you never had to see your ex again, that would make the hurt dissipate. But your children deserve to have and enjoy the only parents they will ever have, regardless of what your feelings about your ex might be. So you can't move away from that particularly distasteful aspect of divorce: interfacing on some kind of regular basis with your ex because the two of you share custody.

Because you care so deeply about your children, about their success, and about their needs - in fact, you place them higher on your list than yourself most of the time - you are simply forced to find a way to make the interface with their other parent (your dreaded ex) work so that they don't feel any of the disturbance between the two of you.

How do you create a harmonious relationship with someone you are divorcing for the sake of your children? Here are some suggestions:

Keep Track of Their Good Points. You know them. You once fell in love with him/her because of them. They haven't gone away despite the fact that he wants to divorce you now. He still has those good points. You can choose to focus on those good points and allow your children to discover other aspects of his personality as they naturally mature. Kids deserve to love their mommy or daddy without any negative feedback.

Remain Objective. If you permit yourself to fall into entertaining only those ideas you whirl around inside your head, you've succumbed to "subjectivity." Of course your opinion is nasty! You've been hurt. Your kids have not experienced this nastiness from their other parent though. And they deserve to not know your nasty thoughts. They deserve to see their parents as simply powerful and wonderful. So set your nasty thoughts aside for their sake and remain objective about their mommy or daddy.

Don't Make Excuses - Be Factual. Okay, the ex has promised to pick up the kids for a weekend outing. You've got them bathed, slicked and ready. They're waiting on the couch. They've been waiting for an hour. He's past due and they're getting rambunctious. You call him. He "forgot" about picking them up. You know they are going to be disappointed. You don't have to say what a louse he is. You put them in the car, take them to the park yourself, and say "Daddy's not coming." Factual. Not loaded with emotional bias.

Use Legal Means to Keep Promises. You have a legal right for the commitments made in your divorce proceedings to be honored. Child Support can be collected for you. You don't need to burden your children with the fact that their daddy or mommy hasn't kept his/her commitment - again! Keep this kind of information to yourself and allow your children their concepts of their other parent until they have the maturity to understand the facts as they are if they are unpleasant.

I know a woman who's youngest son was six months old when she and his dad divorced. He spent the first sixteen years of his life cajoling her to get back together with his dad. He wanted an intact family. She did not want to mention his dad's homosexuality to her son, nor did she want to focus on his alcoholism and how it lead to verbal abuse when he was drinking. He loved his daddy and only saw that he was funny and took him to amusement parks frequently. He was his knight in shining armor. This lady worked to remain somewhat friendly with her son's father.

Once, when the boys had become young adults, she went on a camping trip where her ex got drunk and became verbally abusive, bringing up their old pre-divorce stuff. She did her best to calm him down, but both of their adult sons saw and heard the yuck. Her youngest son said "Mom, no one should ever be talked to that way." And she was finally able to tell him "This is the reason your dad and I could not remarry all those years when you wanted us to, son. I never wanted you to know about this."

Your children will look back when they become adults and be surprised at what you did not share with them because you cared enough to allow them to form whatever kind of relationship they could form with your ex despite all the nasty stuff you know about him. And your children will be grateful. Divorce and the shared custody problems isn't pleasant, but if you handle it correctly, maybe you can save yourself from that evil second dirovce.

How to Interview an Implant Dentist Before Becoming a Patient

Image source: http://www.mayoclinic.org/-/media/kcms/gbs/patient-consumer/images/2013/08/26/10/07/my00084_im00017_de7_dentalimplantthu_jpg.j...