Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Your guide to buying a Halloween costume online

Your guide to buying a Halloween costume online

Image source: http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1RLdAIVXXXXXBaXXXq6xXFXXXv/Halloween-children-s-party-clothes-Superman-Halloween-costume-for-kids-Buy-cheap-Halloween-costumes.jpg

Dressing up for Halloween is certainly a fun thing to do, regardless if you are 12 or 30. If you are preparing yourself in advance for next Halloween, buying the perfect costume is the first thing you will need to do. Luckily, nowadays, you dont have to go across town in search for a costume shop, because you will find yourself a much vaster selection on the internet. With so many online stores selling costumes, finding the perfect buy for you will not seem difficult. However, there are a few factors that need your attention, in order to not end up wasting your money on something that might not turn out to be to your liking.
What makes a costume a great choice? Well, usually one of the things people notice first is the quality of the fabric. Regardless fi you might have chosen the best character for your Halloween party, if the costume is made out of a fabric that is clearly not qualitative at all, your look will be far from what you have pictured. Because you dont have the chance to analyze the material yourself, before placing your online order, and choosing an option out of the many disfresses encountered, see if you can find any details written on the topic within the product description section.

You can easily be misled by the costume photos seen on an online store, so paying attention to detail is important when you are making an online purchase. Checking the size chart for the costume you want to purchase, finding Ou about the accessories that might come with it, seeing if you have other color options to choose from, are aspects that can help you buy something you will not be disappointed in. Before getting excited over some cute disfresses originals, take a closer look at the offer.

One last thing you can do, if you dont want to take any risks, and to ensure yourself you are making the right purchase is to see if you find any information about the shops policies on shipping, and most of all, on returns. If you dont want to wait too much on your order, benefiting from fast shipping is probably something you will pay attention to. Also, there is always the chance of you not liking the product received, when you are buying something from the internet, and in that situation, having the chance o getting a refund or at least a product replacement will come in handy. Usually, reputable shops give you this possibility, so this detail can tell you just how reliable the supplier actually is.

Regardless of what you are planning to be on Halloween, purchasing the perfect costume is probably one of your concerns. Although the market might offer you numerous options, not everything you come across on the internet is worth the buy, so knowing a few tips on the subject will certainly make a difference. Remember to keep in mind these few buying guidelines, and you will be spending your money on the perfect costume.

For more information about disfresses or disfresses originals, please click on the links here!

Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

Why Some People Talk Too Much - Are You One of Them

Why Some People Talk Too Much - Are You One of Them

Image source: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Ks0z5QauVPs/VHMFNOtH8BI/AAAAAAAABrg/YHZcAddSOM4/w750-h464-no/make-time.png

Talking too much is one of the the most common bad habits. Discover the reasons why people talk too much. If you are guilty of being too talkative, learn how you can break this annoying habit.

We have all met people who talk a lot, who never seem to run out of things to say.

Have you ever wondered why some people talk so much?

People who make conversation easily never seem to worry about what they are going to say. They often seem to be brimming with confidence and they don't seem to worry what other people think of them.

What is the reason some people can talk and make conversation so easily?

This is a topic that I have researched for a long time. I have discovered several reasons why some people to talk so much. Here are some of them:


Many of the people who easily make conversation are born extroverts. They are very outgoing and they really enjoy being around other people.
Extroverts would much rather be in a group of people than be alone.

Not everyone is an extrovert.

Some people are introverts by nature. This means they really enjoy being alone. When they are in a group of people, they may be quite quiet as a way of feeling more peaceful.

Confidence and Self Esteem

Having good self esteem and confidence can make it much easier to make conversation with others. When people truly have good self esteem, they don't worry very much about what other people are thinking about them, and they don't worry about making conversation mistakes. This makes it easy for them to talk easily and freely.

People who have genuine self esteem and self confidence usually have no desire to monopolize the conversation. They are interested in hearing other points of view.


Some people talk a lot because they are very arrogant. Even though they may give an initial impression of confidence, they are simply very conceited.

These people are very impressed with themselves and their own sense of self importance. They believe that everyone is also impressed with them as well.

In many cases, people are not impressed with them, but the arrogant person keeps talking and talking because he thinks he is the only one whose opinion is important. They would never truly listen to anyone they are talking with.


Some people talk and talk not because they are confident, but because they are very anxious. By talking and talking, they can keep their mind occupied so that they don't notice how nervous they are. They also hope that nobody else notices that they are nervous.


There are people who keep on talking because they don't pay attention to social cues. They don't notice when the other person they are talking with wants to say something, or wants to leave. They don't listen to the other person and they don't care to hear about their opinions or experiences. Talking to a person who lacks sensitivity is very frustrating.

How can you tell whether you are a person who talks too much?

If several people have told you at different times that you talk too much, it's probably true.

If you keep being told that you talk too much, what should you do?

The first thing you should do is start paying more attention to your behaviour during conversations. Are you making a point of listening to the other person? Do you leave space for the other person to talk? Do you let them finish their thoughts without interrupting?

Do your comments relate to what the other person has just said, or do you just jump into your favourite topics no matter what the other person is interested in?

You can keep your conversations better balanced by leaving more space for the other person to participate in talking.

Who Needs to See Your Parenting Plan

Who Needs to See Your Parenting Plan

Image source: http://takingbackthebible.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/parenting-must-be-an-act-of-worship-2.jpg

When you're divorced, it's the better part of wisdom and also the better part of a good Parenting Plan to provide the necessary information for all the pertinent people in your children's lives.

I'm going to suggest a list of topics to be considered here and then leave it up to your good intelligence to fill in the blanks and distribute as necessary to those who need this information the most.

Use caution when you distribute this information. Make sure the person you give it to treats it as Personal and Confidential. Consider providing a copy for your ex, his parents, your parents, your children's school and your children's child care provider. Omit information not needed by the one you give it to - social security number, for example. In our era of Identity Theft, it's wise to be cautious. Mark the file as Confidential Information.

Child's Name

Date of Birth

Current age


Social Security Number


Doctor's Name

Custody Options/schedule - weekly, vacation, holiday

Homework Agreements

Primary Residence Address, Phone, Cell

Secondary Residence Address, Phone, Cell

Exhange Agreements

Who has permission to pick up from school?

School, medical, and court records sharing

Communicating Emergencies

When a parent is moving

Activities - scouts, little league, dance classes etc.


Dating Considerations

Extended/blended family Authorization for medical treatment form

Communication between divorced parents can be very challenging. If it's at all possible, and to avoid confrontation, make an effort to communicate in writing. If you create the above form, it should help smooth out a lot of bumps. By using specific fields above versus writing large paragraphs of data, you can avoid miscommunicating.

Be courteous when you communicate with your ex. Keep it factual. Your children deserve to know that at a minimum, daddy and mommy can still speak to one another civilly.

Ask the school to send notices to both parents. You both need this information. You both need to read it and make yourself aware of what is going on with your child, particularly if you share custody across the school week.

If the information and communication sharing causes flare-ups of your emotions, please don't share these emotions during communication interfacing. Use a friend's shoulder, or address it with your ex at a time other than when you need to communicate important facts about the children. Use common sense; be mature and save the emotional communicating for another time.

Another practical tip: don't count on your children to carry this information to your ex for you. Be a big girl/boy and do it yourself. It's a burden for your children and they don't need that from you. Communicate this parenting plan when those little ears cannot hear you so as not to bruise their souls.

Who Has Had the Greatest Influence on Your Life and Why

Who Has Had the Greatest Influence on Your Life and Why

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a6/33/e1/a633e182490be899974144b63a393f53.jpg

Copyright 2007 Ed Bagley

A lot of us remember our mother, and for good reason.

Should someone pose the same question to me that I have asked of you, I would never hesitate to talk about the most important person in my life, my mother.

I had two fathers, one that left when I was only a month old (he was not sure I was his son, and so he divorced my mom), and one that arrived when I was 5 (he had a 40-word vocabulary, 20 of which were cuss words). I did not realize until much later that he did not know several foreign languages (he actually did know cuss words in at least three languages).

It might be sad to admit that I have no idea who my father is, but in the greater scheme of things, it does not really matter all that much because he was never a part of my life.

My mother was.

Both of my fathers provided examples of what not to do when being a husband, father and role model. Given the circumstances, one becomes what one sees, or one makes it a point to never become what one sees. I chose to ignore the fathers who never were.

My mother apparently had a somewhat rocky start in life, and was probably not the best mother a child could have had, but she became a fighter, for herself and her children.

She suffered through two of her daughters preceding her in death, and often said "It is a great life if you can stand to live it."

I was raised essentially by my maternal grandparents for the first 5 years of my life, and everything good that I first learned was from them.

After living more than six decades I can tell you without qualification that my grandparents were the salt of the earth. They started out as farmers in Illinois before the turn of the century and moved north to Michigan when farming became impossible.

They were Midwest stock, always recognized and honored God, and whatever homespun wisdom I have came from watching them very carefully, and always loving them as they loved me.

That said, my mother was the biggest backer that I ever had.

She loved me when I was not lovable, despite my faults and shortcomings. She stood by me and fought for me when others would not. She encouraged me, financed me, and believed in me.

My mother was a study in self-improvement, she actually worked her entire life trying to become a better person, and spend the last 30 years of her life, in my judgment, becoming close to an angel here on earth.

In the end, she was not self-centered or self-absorbed but naturally served others with love and compassion. She became an incredible woman, and many were saddened on the day of her passing.

She was not a movie star, she was not famous, and she was not rich. She simply had the most important job in the world, she was a mother.

She was the only one who could comfort her son in his most distraught times, like when his first love in high school found another, and he thought his heart would never again be whole.

There must have been 40 flower arrangements at her funeral, and one was a beautiful (although artificial) purple and yellow arrangement. I brought that arrangement back from Michigan with me 12 years ago, and to this day, it sits beside me at my office in Tacoma (WA).

My mother is never more than an arm's reach away from me.

Shortly after her funeral I was passing through a religious articles store that a Catholic order of nuns was closing down. There I found a metal of Saint Mildred, an obscure Catholic saint from the middle ages.

My mother was not Catholic, but her name was Mildred, and that metal has been around my neck, day and night, for 12 years, in honor of her.

As a father and grandfather, my message to all mothers is to love your spouse, love your children, love your family, and however mundane you feel your existence may sometimes be, remember that your most important mission in life is to be a mother.

There will be no greater calling, and there will be no greater reward.

Your legacy is established, and your love will not be forgotten by those you love and serve. They will love you forever as you have loved them.

May God Bless You and Your Family this Wonderful Day,

(I love you Mom)

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

Who and What is a True Champion

Who and What is a True Champion

Image source: https://www.quotespick.com/images/quotes/english/floyd-mayweather-jr/a_true_champion_will_fight-1602-52650.jpg

Article Title: ?
Submitted by Craig Lock
Key Words: Success, Success Principles, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Mind Control, Positive Thinking and Positive Psychology (enough there now, craig!)

Web Sites: http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/craiglock www.lulu.com/craiglock + https://www.xinxii.com/asresults.php?s4=craig+lock&iSearchButton=Search&...

The submitters blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at http://en.search.wordpress.com/?q=craig+lock&t=post and http://craiglock.wordpress.com

Other Articles are available at: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/user/15565
and http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/profile.cfm?writerid=981
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)

Publishing Guidelines:
This piece, in point-form (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."



A champion is more than a mere title. Rather, it is a set, a collection of personal qualities. What are some of these qualities that make a champion?

* Ability = natural TALENT... which is then developed through continual practice

* Belief in ones abilities ("believe it to achieve it")

Champions have the vital six 'C's':

* Clarity of mind (of thinking)

Clarity of purpose (keeps a champion "driving on")

Champions have a FOCUS (narrow)... putting all their energies into a single focus. (Unbalanced, obsessive... like this writer. Sorry, Marie, Gareth and Sean!)

* Confidence: They have great confidence in their abilities. Self Belief is the key here.
Champions really "trust their game", especially in times of pressure... "when the heat is really on".

Champion racing drivers possess great powers of concentration, where the slightest mistake in 2 hours racing at Monaco, like being half a metre off the ideal line could send the car sliding into the Armco barriers sourrounding the track*

* Courage: Vast amounts of courage and determination in overcoming many obstacles to get to the very top of their field

* Commitment (total): Commitment to the "drudge"of continual practice - honing and developing skills. Commitment and resolve to "keep on keeping on" through the tough times.
"Tough times don't last, but tough people do."

and finally (of the "C's"),
* true champions demonstrate great consistency of performance. That is the hallmark, consistently delivering top (excellent) displays and results.


Then come the five "D's"

* Desire

* Discipline (self)

* Determination in overcoming disappointment(s) - how human beings can prevail over very trying circumstances.

"Your greatest obstacle can become your sweetest triumph."
- Lance Armstrong

* Desperation: "How much do you want it?" (God responds to desperation):

* Dedication (= hard work): "What are you prepared to sacrifice to achieve success?"

Stay focussed, dedicated and motivated.

- tennis star Novak Djkovic

Tenacity in overcoming adversity.

I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.''
- Muhammed Ali

(Keep on writing then, craig!) #

"A wish is just a wish, A New Years Resolution is just a
resolution. Goals have deadlines and are stepping stones
down the path, the stair-case to your dreams."

"Meeting a goal takes dedication, effort and sacrifice and
all that it takes to turn a goal into a dream is TIME."
- craig

* Mental strength... to handle the intense pressures of competition

* Unity of effort: The ability to work with others (ie teamwork); because you can't make it on your own. Everyone has different skills and abilities - that is what makes them unique!

"And in this there is for us mere mortals a sobering humility in the knowledge that they have not just had the gifts, but were prepared to work far beyond the normal physical and mental boundaries to develop them to the full extent of their powers."
- fine writing by Ian Gillies writing about former All-Black rugby player Ian Kirkpatrick in the Gisborne Herald (web site www.gisborneherald.co.nz/article/?id=17486 )

* the "Will-to-win"
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
- Mahatma Gandhi (and Lance Armstrong)

Champions have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill."
- Muhammad Ali

* P= Persistence
Champions succeed where so many others give up.

Still you don't have to come first... at first. Just keep your torch shining the longest and brightest... then you''ll be a winner , a champ in the game of life

And finally

* Inspiration. ("I don't wait to get inspired, but once I start work, writing, the inspiration simply comes, arising in my consciousness"- anon).

'Leap and the net will appear.'

Champions are consistent. They usually deliver elite performances... year after year.
When things look bleak and "the chips are down", champions rise to the occasion, just like cream rises to the top.

NB: Champions have an unconquerable spirit.

Conquering others requires force. Conquering oneself requires strength."
- Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching

The highest mountain we have to conquer is our OWN!

Finally, champions have a great sense of purpose, ie. a life mission. True champions have a strong commitment to pursue an endeavour... one that is born out of their sense of purpose and that lasts a life-time.

"This is what I was put on earth to do."

There is unlimited potential in the human condition. ANY individual human being can cultivate the values of self respect, self-reliance and self discipline, which will greatly enhance their life. Like a champion, 'ordinary' (what's that!) people also have great capacity and potential to achieve... even the "extra-ordinary" in life.

"A glorious destiny that rises above the limitless horizons of the human condition."

Discover, then celebrate the champion of life in YOU...


YOU (and everyone) are all champions in your own way!"

Shared by Craig Lock ("Information and Inspiration Distributer, Writer for Self Empowerment, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder")

"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill."
- Muhammad Ali

"You are not what you think you are; but what you think, you ARE!"

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he (or she) has overcome, while trying to succeed."
- Booker T. Washington

"The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within you...and the often seemingly difficult or even "impassible") path ahead of you is never as steep with the great spirit that lies within you."
- craig

"If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you do not.
If you would like to win but think you can not
It is almost a cinch you will not.

If you think you will lose, you are lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It is all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You have got to think to rise.
You have got to be sure of yourself
Before you can win the prize.

Life's battles do not always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later the man who wins is
The one who thinks he can."

- Author Unknown

f you can dream it,

You can DO it!

"Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."



"Never underestimate your opponent.
Work on your weaknesses until they become your strengths.
Remember that a great effort is usually the result of a great attitude.
Dedicate yourself to a mighty purpose.
Win with humility, lose with grace.
Ignore those who discourage you.
Remember that how you conduct yourself out of the pool is just as important as how you conduct yourself in the pool.
Talent is God-given so be humble.
Fame is man-given so be thankful.
Remember when youre not working to improve, your competition is.

Always give your best.

PRACTICE like a champion.
SWIM like a champion.
LIVE like a champion."

- anon


"Great people are just ordinary people, who usually find themselves in extra-ordinary situations...and who possess extra-ordinary amounts of determination."

"I am a champion.
I believe in myself.
I have the will to win.
I set high goals for myself.
I surround myself with winners.
Im cool, positive, and confident.
Im willing to pay the price of success.
I stay relaxed and in control at all times.
I focus all my energy on the job at hand.
I take responsibility for all of my results.
I have the courage to endure and persist.
I vividly imagine what victory will feel like.
I am a champion and I will win."

Three-Time Olympian - Ruben Gonzalez

OK, then I'll just add a bit to the article


Thanks for everything, dad. See the dream never died - it's just taken another course!


"Sometimes you have to give up the life you had planned... in order to live the life you were meant to live."

"I'd rather attempt something great and fail, rather than attempting nothing and succeed."
- Norman Vincent Peale

"Some people see things as they are and say 'why?'. I see the dreams that never were and say 'why not?'"
- Bobby Kennedy

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind

- Winston Churchill (in his speech to Harvard University in 1943)

As they carry me to my deathbed, I'll be saying:
Can you just give me one more hour to finish off this one last article, or book.... PLEASE!"
- craig (as inspired by the quote of singer, Barry Manilow)


What's the Difference Between PTSD and ASD

What's the Difference Between PTSD and ASD

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/30/a1/9630a1d582f2a5ca0b8cc0bad5eccbf4.jpg

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) are two conditions that can be caused by experiencing or witnessing almost any kind of deep emotional trauma, especially one that is unexpected. For many, PTSD and ASD are the body's natural response to trauma - a normal, instinctive coping mechanism. While healthcare professionals and counselors are becoming better equipped to assist those with ASD or PTSD, many sufferers remain reluctant to seek help because of the stigma of being diagnosed with a "mental health condition" or "mental illness." It is important to understand that PTSD and ASD are potentially serious conditions that afflict a great number of trauma victims, and that experiencing them in no way reflects a "weakness" or "deficiency" on the part of the survivor.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Millions of people suffer from PTSD, a widely recognized condition that can result from virtually any type of trauma - from enduring years of domestic violence to a single violent attack that lasts but a few seconds. It is not known why some develop PTSD following trauma while others do not. An individual's history, life circumstances, personal traits, and genetics likely play some role in determining the risk of PTSD, as does the nature of the trauma itself. Approximately 8 percent of men and 20 percent of women develop PTSD, and around 30 percent of those persons develop chronic, life-long PTSD. 1

Symptoms of PTSD include emotional numbness, restlessness, anxiety, uncharacteristic irritability or even violent behavior, problems focusing or concentrating, flashbacks (which can be triggered by people, places, things, sounds, smells, etc.), and sleep disturbance. People experiencing PTSD often feel isolated, disconnected, and "different" from others, and it can even begin to affect the most routine activities of everyday life. Symptoms typically surface within three months following a traumatic event and may dissipate within a few months. However, for some people the symptoms may not surface for years. Some suffer chronic, unrelenting symptoms, while others notice that symptoms come and go, increasing and decreasing in severity over time. In addition, children with PTSD may develop learning disabilities, or memory or attention problems, and may be at a higher risk for self injury or other unhealthy coping behaviors.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for PTSD, and there is no known cure. However, there is hope, as most sufferers see notable improvement given the right combination of support, medication, therapy or counseling, and time. Typically, PTSD treatment includes antidepressant medication(s) and/or psychotherapy, which may include:

cognitive-behavior therapy, which is intended to help survivors minimize their symptoms by learning to change the way they think about and react to their thoughts surrounding the trauma; group therapy; family therapy; or exposure therapy, which entails working with a licensed counselor to repeatedly relive the trauma in a "safe" environment in order to work through the violent experience.

Some have also found relief through alternative treatment methods such as yoga, acupuncture, meditation, and aromatherapy. It is recommended to consult a licensed doctor or counselor to develop an individual treatment program.

It is almost always better to seek help and support for PTSD sooner rather than later, because left untreated, it can lead to long-term physiological problems that are more difficult to treat. In addition, most experts agree that those with PTSD are at a much higher risk of substance abuse, which not only impedes treatment, but can also present a host of additional problems that may make the healing process more difficult.

Acute Stress Disorder
ASD is a relatively new trauma-related diagnosis, which was officially assigned a diagnostic category in 1994 to differentiate it from the more widely recognized PTSD. ASD shares many of the same characteristics as PTSD, including emotional numbness, restlessness, anxiety, uncharacteristic irritability, problems focusing or concentrating, flashbacks, and sleep disturbance. In fact, some experts consider ASD a variation of PTSD.

However, there are two important distinctions between ASD and PTSD. One is that ASD is considered a more immediate, short-term response to trauma that lasts between two days and four weeks. If ASD symptoms persist for more than a month, then PTSD may be diagnosed.

The other notable difference is that ASD is more associated with dissociative symptoms, which may include:

extreme emotional disconnection; difficulty experiencing pleasure; temporary amnesia, or "dissociative amnesia" if the loss of memory centers more around the traumatic event itself; depersonalization (survivors feel detached from their traumatic experience); and derealization (survivors' worlds seems strange and unfamiliar, and they may feel as though they are not "real").

People suffering from ASD may become extremely withdrawn or unsociable, or exhibit a mental or emotional "distance" between themselves and their violent experience. They may seem "spaced out" and appear to refuse to acknowledge their trauma. If they do speak about their trauma, they may do so in a dispassionate manner, using distant-sounding or overly generic terms. Many experts agree that this is a coping mechanism, representing a quest for immediate emotional "survival" - victims may not be ready to address the trauma they have endured because it is simply too painful.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Because ASD is a relatively new diagnosis, there are fewer well-established methods for testing and identification. In general, a diagnosis of ASD will depend upon:

whether the individual experienced a traumatic event within four weeks prior to the first sign of symptoms; the length of time that the individual has experienced the symptoms (typically, ASD is the diagnosis only if the symptoms last between two days and four weeks); whether the symptoms significantly and adversely affect everyday activities; and the individual's personal and medical history (including a physical examination to exclude other illnesses that may be causing the symptoms).

Typically, treatment for ASD includes antidepressant medication(s) and/or short-term psychotherapy. Some have also found relief through alternative treatment methods such as yoga, acupuncture, meditation, and aromatherapy. It is recommended to consult a licensed doctor or counselor to develop an individual treatment program.

Many experts agree that those with untreated ASD are at a substantially higher risk for developing PTSD and substance abuse problems.

For more information, please visit www.witnessjustice.org.

What You Need To Know About Investing In Gold

What You Need To Know About Investing In Gold

Image source: http://media.beam.usnews.com/bf/6e/aaa09c87469596bc01c4a933c22d/141217-goldcoins-stock.jpg

People like the look of gold, and they'll do what they can to get it. Even though it costs more now, people still want it. If you're interested in investing in gold, do some research before you shell out the money for it.

Here's some things you should know before you take that big, financial leap:

In addition to gold coins, there are different ways that you can you can invest. You can use metals, mutual funds, mining company stock, or futures, as additional ways to make investments with gold. You can also invest in gold using bars, if you wish.

You can get more information by going to a metal dealer. Or you can search online to find some reputable ones. If you are a first time investor, it might be better for you to visit a facility to speak with a dealer in person.

If you have a lot of questions, you should write them down. Find out how long the dealer has been established. If they've been there a while, chances are they are very knowledgeable about what they do.

You'll want to educate yourself before you visit with a dealer. That way, you'll have an idea of how investing in gold really works. You'll also find out if what the dealer is telling you lines up with your research.

If you do decide to pursue this, you should also think about investing in gold stocks and funds. It's been proven that gold funds are a reliable choice to invest in. However, when you're dealing with stocks, you're dealing with a single entity. That means the gold stocks are not diversified and your investment isn't as reliable as gold funds.

When you're trying to decide what you're going to purchase, don't be in a hurry to make a decision. Don't buy the first thing you see because you may regret the purchase later. All gold pieces are not easy to sell if you want to get rid of them.

You can also purchase certificates as an alternate option. This for you, would solidify that you own a piece of gold.

When researching about gold, find out how much it would be worth if it was kept polished and free of nicks and scrapes? What about if it's not so polished? More than likely, it won't be as much as the former. The better you maintain your gold, the better price you can get for it.

Investing in gold futures is for those who can afford to take the risk. If you're just starting out and don't have the money to risk for it, then you should pass on this for now. With futures, you have to be certain that you can handle the volatility of this segment.

Futures is considered a financial risk because you have to constantly figure out whether the price of gold will go up or down. Sometimes you may hit it on the head, other times you may not. If you get involved in this, you will have to either buy or sell for a certain price. The dependence on how much the gold is worth during that time determines how much money you will make.

Investing in gold can be lucrative, but you have to know what you're doing when you get involved in it.

Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

What Kind Of Chiropractic Training Do Chiropractors Go Through

What Kind Of Chiropractic Training Do Chiropractors Go Through

Image source: http://www.fitnessrxwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CALLIE-SHOULD-YOU-GO-TO-THE-CHIROPRACTOR-INS2.jpg

Every day, people work hard to earn a living. Each profession has a different set of tasks and job responsibilities needed to be done. There are jobs that can be physically or mentally exhaustive. At the work place, it is easy to develop injuries in the neck, shoulders and back because of the repetitious things you do in the office. Just by sitting for 8hours daily can really be bad for your back and can lead to improper posture. Because of these aggravating health conditions, the services of a chiropractor is sought after. But you should not just look for any chiropractor, look for a doctor of chiropractor who has undergone quality chiropractic training.

Chiropractors perform manual therapy on the body and their expertise is performing spinal manipulations on your spine. This is because chiropractic care is based on the belief that any disease is caused by a subluxation or misalignment in the spine. If your arms or shoulder hurts, the chiropractor will treat the spine. As you may know, the spinal column is a very sensitive part of the body. If a non-licensed physician handles it, you can get serious injuries. Doctors of chiropractors undergo years of chiropractic training and education to earn their degree and license. Healing with the hands is something a chiropractor should master and the chiropractor should master the nerve energy flow of the body to make the treatment a success.

Just like other physicians, chiropractors have to earn a bachelors degree, go to chiropractic school and earn their degree here. The undergraduate degree can be a pre-med field, health and fitness, anatomy, and physiology. Getting high marks is necessary to be able to apply in a chiropractic college. In chiropractic school, the student will have to study for 3-4 years to earn his degree in chiropractic. He will earn the title of D.C or doctor of chiropractic once he earns the degree. Of course, chiropractors can always pursue further chiropractic training like earning a doctorate degree later on in his career.

There is a lot to be learned in chiropractic because it is not the usual medicine field. It is very different and chiropractors have to learn the art of healing with their hands only. Although there are chiropractic techniques that will make use of ultrasound, drop tables and other equipment, chiropractic care is still based on how the chiropractor manipulates the spine through his bare hands alone. Motion palpation is one of the things that chiropractors master throughout their training.

Chiropractors have helped millions of people today and they have earned the respect of medicinal physicians too. There were times when doubts and skepticism surround the practice of chiropractic but this is no longer the case today. Chiropractors are here to stay and if you want to become one, look for chiropractic training programs you can apply for and prepare for it. There is a promising career for chiropractors but you can only get this by studying and working hard. For more visit www.purtimanchiropractic.com

What is EPF Balance

What is EPF Balance

Image source: http://apnaplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/EPFO-Member-Portal.png

Employee provident fund (EPF) is a scheme designed and controlled by the Government of India. The ministry of employment and labor, government of India introduced (EPF) employees provident fund on 15th Nov 1951. In the next year, the employee provident fund act 1952 came into being in place of ordinance. Currently, this act is well known as employees provident funds (EPF) and miscellaneous provisions act 1952. The organization that handles total aspects of EPF scheme in total India is named (EPFO) employee provident fund organization. The employee provident fund organization guides the central Board of Trustees to handle provident fund, insurance scheme and pension scheme etc.

The central board of trustees, EPFO operates 3 main schemes like (EPF balance) employees provident fund scheme 1952, (EPS) employees pension scheme 1995, (EDLI) employees deposit linked insurance scheme 1976.

The EPFO is an authorized association that helps employers as well as employees of India in EPF and other related problems. The role of EPFO is to provide (UAN) universal account number to the employee for EPF account. The EPFO has declared before that any factory, company or establishment which has more than nineteen working employees, is leap to implement EPF scheme. The act of EPF & MP is established by the government of India for the benefits of each employee of the nation.

EPF is extremely vital part for any employee. Therere several different ways to check balance online. The EPFO provide facility to the employee to know their EPF balance through offline mode and online. Employee provident fund is saving which is deducted each month from employees salary. Under EPF scheme, the employer cut a part of employees salary and also gives a part from employer towards employees provident fund (EPF) scheme. The scheme is applied to the employee from the date of starting of her/his job.

The (EPFO) organization has started to give maximum facilities from the year 2011. So the employee can get all update by EPFO member portal. An employee can check balance through mobile app, with UAN number, without UAN number and missed call service. But in order to check the balance online they must have certain details about her/his EPF account like PF account number, relevant EPFO office, and complete name of employee as reference in pay slip and the mobile number that must be active.
The facility of checking balance via SMS has been ongoing from the year 2015. In order to use this facility, the employee must have done UAN registration and activation process on EPF member portal. EPF provide 22 digit passwords out of first 2 letters your sate i.e. employee can also check their claim status online applying at best. U can also get complete info about balance, UAN activation and claim status at EPFs official website.

What is Diesel Exhaust Fluid Who Needs It

What is Diesel Exhaust Fluid Who Needs It

Image source: https://uticamack.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/115375.png?x51277

What is Diesel Exhaust Fluid? Who Needs It?

Heres a little quiz:

When have emissions rules ever produced better-running trucks?

If you answered, How about the 2008 Tier 2 or 2010 Clean Air Act standards, you can stop reading. You probably already know everything in this post.

For the rest of you, the answer is, When it became clear that diesel exhaust fluid, or DEF, was a key part of the solution to the emissions problem.

Everyone whos ever driven behind an older bus or semi belching smoke and diesel exhaust knows the problem: Diesel engines are dirty and smelly.

Thats the price weve paid for power and torque that gasoline engines cant equal.

DEF brings that price way down.

Heres why.

The Diesel Penalty

Combustion occurs in a gasoline engines cylinders when a spark ignites a mixture of fuel and air.

A diesel doesnt use a spark. Instead, it greatly compresses a leaner fuel-air mix.

Its the high degree of compression that causes the fuel to ignite.

Unfortunately, the compression-ignition process also produces emissions that are higher in dangerous nitrogen oxides (NO) and particulates.

And the Solution

To meet air quality standards calling for lower NO levels, manufacturers adopted an approach called selective catalytic reduction, or SCR.

With SCR, a small amount of fluid is sprayed into the exhaust stream. The chemical reaction that occurs converts NO emissions into harmless nitrogen and water.

In fact, what comes out of the tailpipe of a diesel using SCR may well be cleaner than what goes into the engine in the first place.

That was helpful in 2010. Its essential in 2017 when regulations call for a 90% reduction in allowable nitrogen oxides from exhaust.

The magic responsible for the reduction is the DEF: a 32.5% solution of ammonia in ionized water. And its a powerful (and somewhat misunderstood) solution to a serious problem.

What You Need to Know

DEF lives in a reservoir in your vehicle, which usually holds about five gallons.

In GMs heavy duty trucks, customers get about 1,000 miles per gallon of DEF. Heavy hauling or towing can increase the rate of DEF consumption just as it does with fuel.

In consumer vehicles, DEF can be consumed at a rate of roughly 2.5 gallons per 800 miles of driving.

The DEF tank must be kept at least partially full at all times. Many diesels wont run at more than 4-5 MPH if the tank runs dry. Others wont run at all.

Fortunately, it shouldnt be a problem, since most manufacturers provide a gauge, digital readout or low fluid level warning on the IP.

And keeping the tank topped off is easy and relatively inexpensive.

Manufacturers have built DEF service into their scheduled maintenance specs. So the fluid can be topped off when owners bring their vehicles in for scheduled service.

And DIY-ers can easily maintain DEF levels themselves, much as they would washer fluid. The fluid is readily available at dealerships, trucks stops and auto parts stores, usually at about $5/gallon.

Truck stops often have DEF pumps on their fuel islands.

The Upside

Maybe the biggest misperception about DEF is that its a drag on performance.

In fact, the opposite is the case. Manufacturers have tuned their diesels such that DEF actually optimizes combustion.

That means better fuel efficiency, more power, less engine wear and high reliability.

And there are other myths:

DEF evaporates quickly. (In fact, it evaporates very slowly.)

Its a drag on mileage. (In fact, it offers better mileage than most other emissions reductions systems. Manufacturers estimate a mileage bump of as much as 5%.)

Its toxic. (In fact, its less toxic than many of the other fluids used in a vehicle. And its been used for years in commercial trucking and the ag industry.)

Some Caveats

While DEF is good for newer engines with DEF systems, its useless in older diesels that lack such systems.

And DEF should never be added directly to fuel. Its corrosive and can reduce your fuel system to worthless scrap.

Thats why some manufacturers provide under-the-hood access to the system. Others provide a separate filler neck next to the fuel cap.

Either way, if you suspect your fuel has been contaminated with DEF, dont even turn the ignition to accessories, which can activate the fuel system.

Instead, have the vehicle towed, without starting, to a repair shop. Have them flush the fuel tank, then get back to enjoying the diesel power, torque, and reliability which DEF enables.

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Image source: http://www.mayoclinic.org/-/media/kcms/gbs/patient-consumer/images/2013/08/26/10/07/my00084_im00017_de7_dentalimplantthu_jpg.j...